Monday, October 29, 2012

Fangtastic Halloween Event. Spotlight, Giveaway and This OR That; Author David McAfee!

Jerusalem, 33 A.D. The vampires of the era have long sought to gain a foothold into Israel, but the faith of the local Jewish population has held them in check for centuries.

When one of their own betrays them to follow a young rabbi from Galilee, the elders of the vampire race send Theron, a nine hundred year old assassin, to kill them both.

The rabbi's name is Jesus. Killing him should be easy
I was initially drawn to this book by the cover, it is truly frightening! I was blown away by the content, McAfee’s style of writing grabs hold and pulls you in as he introduces you to his verision of Jerusalem in 33AD. Imagine True Blood meets Passion of The Christ, that is this book in a nutshell. These vampire’s do not sparkle and the sun will surely kill them. Vampires, mystery, blood and gore with just a touch of romance to soften the blow. The book is split into 4 main storylines but, I assure you, you will have no problems keeping up! Extremely interesting and unpredictable, the twists and turns will keep you engaged and on your toes.
THIS is by far my favorite Vampire series, EVER!  5/5 MUST READ
For all our McAfee fans out there in mcafeeland, I'm letting David take over the blog for the day.  Guest Post, Author David McAfee..............

Hi Tammy. Well, as you know I just released a new book called OLD SINS, which is about a small town in east Tennessee that is haunted by the spirit of a young black kid who was lynched there in the 1970s. This book scares me, in more ways than one. Every book release is an excercise in anxiety. Will the readers like it? Will they get it? Will they hate it? Is this the book that finally proves to them that I am a worthless hack and they should be reading someone else work, instead?
But OLD SINS is different. Some of the scenes are very graphic in both violence and language, so I am not sure how they will be received. Parts of the book detail the lynching of a 13 year old black kid by a group of drunken white racists, so you can imagine how ugly those scenes must be. My wife even made the comment that, while she enjoyed the book, she was going to have nightmares about that kid's death. I can relate, because I had nightmares about it, too. In fact, I was so worried about this book that it sat, untouched, on my hard drive for two and a half years after I wrote it, waiting for me to summon up the nerve to put it out.
I considered toning the scenes down in terms of language and violence, but it just didn't feel right. I consulted with several friends and detailed my issues with the scenes and my proposed solution, and the replies were unanimous: don't do it. After some thought, I realized they were right, so I ran with it.
OLD SINS is easily my most disturbing book to date, with luck, I won't lose any readers over it.
My next release will be another collection of short stories. I am going to try very hard to have that out in time for Halloween, but I may not make it. I have just learned that my grandmother is very ill and may not be with us much longer, so I will be making a trip (perhaps several) out to see her in the near future. Needless to say I will probably not be getting much work done on those occasions. Additionally, I need to resume work on 79 A.D., which I have promised readers will be available by Christmas. Since the bachiyr are more important than the short stories, the new collection might be put off for that, too.
And that is about all that is going on in McAfee Land right now. Work, caring for the baby, sleep, and the occasional bike ride, with a hefty does of Seasame Street thrown in for good measure. :)

Thanks for the updates David, feel free to stalk the author here...

This multifaceted Author also wrote an amazing zombie-esque book.  If you want the bejezzus scared out of you, check out Nasty little F!#*ers!

Nasty little F!#*ers/Amazon

This or That with Author David McAfee
*Coke or Pepsi: Sweet Tea. :) When I drink soda, I prefer RC, anyway.
*Summer or Winter: Summer. No contest. I prefer motorcycling, RC airplane flying, and bicycle riding to huddling in the house trying to stay warm.
*Paper or Plastic: If you are talking about groceries, then plastic. If you are talking about finances, then I don't have enough of either. Please feel free to donate.
*Football or Basketball: Football. Go Cowboys!
*Hotdogs or Hamburgers: Hamburgers. Preferably on the grill. Another Summer favorite. Yum!
*Facebook or Twitter: Facebook. It's too hard to be consistently witty and interesting in 140 characters or less.
*Pen or Pencil: What does Word count as?
*Movie or DVD: Both have their place. I love going to the movies, but we seldom get to these days.
*Book or Ereader: I love my Kindle, I truly do, but I also still love paper books. Honestly, this one is so close I really can't call it.
*Night or Day: Night. That's when I sleep. Sleep is good.
Thanks for having me, Tammy. :) 
And thank you David for your continued support of the blog, always graciously sharing your thoughts here for your fans and donating your books so we can grab you even more fans! 

We are ending our month long Halloween Fangtastic giveaway, Oktober event with a BANG!
Up for grabs are signed copies of several of David's books, Good luck all and...........


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. what a great way to end your month-long giveaways!

    i have only read two vampire series - Twilight Saga and Sookie Stackhouse and i would have to choose the latter as a favorite.

    thanks Tammy and thank you very David for being gracious!

  2. Sookie's. However, I am now a few books behind just because I needed a break from them after sooo many. Loved 33AD though! Great interview! I can't wait to read more of your books!

  3. Awesome giveaway Tams! My favorite vampire series...gosh it changes everytime I read something new! Ummmm....*thinking really hard* For now I'm going with 'House of Night' series :)

  4. I would have to say Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress Series.I love me some Bones! :D Thank you for the giveaway.

  5. I love Blue Bloods. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. My fave Vampire series will always be my first which is Twilight series. Thanks for this awesome giveaway Tam.

  7. ok tams your rafflecopter thing is set up wrong on this one sweets!!!!! you can't like his facebook isn't an option. you can follow his blogsite and friend him on facebook but you can't like him on there! so do we get credit for following his blog and friending him?

  8. I have 2 favorite's , The Black Dagger Brotherhood and The Midnight Breed. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  9. the anita blake series has my vote

  10. Twilight Saga - my favourite!

    Nicoleta D.

  11. wow, my favorite vampire series?!?!? your killing me, lol. i guess right now its a tie between the vampire chronicles by the ever so lovely anne rice, and the blood and light series by rue volley. i'm equally in love with both series.
    thanks for another awesome contest tam ;)
    patricia crews

  12. Awesome giveaway love;) ok favorite vap series....UGH thats hard YA I would say Vampire Academy, Adult maybe BDB but then there are soooo many:)


  13. My favorite vampire series is The Vampire Academy and Bloodlines by Richelle Mead. I also like the Sookie Stackhouse series.

  14. I love the Blackdagger Brotherhood Series, it is by far my favorite
