Sunday, November 25, 2012

*Staccato Publishing Spotlight* Author Jay Mims

Dan Landis is a private investigator used to peeping in windows and taking awkward pictures to make a buck. This winter, to make a few more, he agreed to help out a local department store by taking a job in their Loss Prevention department.

Boring right? Wrong.

A local jewelry store gets robbed and then the bodies start piling up. Red suited, fur trimmed, white bearded bodies. And Dan's the one who keeps showing up at all the wrong places. It won't be long before Dan is spending the holiday behind bars if he can't figure this one out.

Check out this first installment in The Oncoming Storm Series.
Dan, Abbey, and Doc are all back and so is trouble in this second novel by cozy mystery author, Jay Mims.

Dan’s sister Jules, high profile criminal defense attorney, has asked for his help with a very dangerous client. Just as soon as Dan takes the case, Doc shows up poisoned on Dan’s doorstep and the only clue is a reference to an old movie, The Cult of Koo Kway.

Mr. Mims vision of PI Dan Landis, minus the handcuffs sadly.
Self professed Mama's boy and Private Investigator Extraordinaire; Mr. Landis enjoys midnight strolls in dark alleys, stun guns and handcuffs.  He also has an uncanny ability of being in the wrong place at the wrong time!  I recently had the pleasure of Mr. Landis's company, and all though it was brief, it was very enlightening.  Here is my Interview with Dan Landis....... 

Good evening Mr. Landis, may I call you Dan?

Darling you can call me anything you’d like. All my friends call me Dan, and I absolutely would love for us to be friends. Special friends.

Thank's for stopping by today and visiting with us here at TTC; how was your Thanksgiving? I'm assuming you had a lovely family dinner with Jules and Gary, did Abbey join you as well?

You know, Thanksgiving is a big time for the family. Gary’s Mom lives nearby, and of course cooks a meal fit for a King. Usually we alternate whose house we go to. I say we, but seriously, no one is going to be coming to my little one-bedroom flat. This year we all had dinner at casa de la Jones. I brought rolls. Don’t get me wrong, I know my way around the kitchen, but most of my skills are dedicated to making breakfast, best served in bed. Leave ‘em with a smile, I say. And yes, Abbinator joined us…for Thanksgiving, not in bed. Well, maybe, but a gentleman never kisses and tells.

Are you currently philandering out your PI skills? If so, can you give us any details on the case?

I don’t know what you’ve heard about my PI skills, but I try to keep business and personal separate. But, as someone who is, shall we say, quite the philanderer, I’ve had no complaints. I even got a couple of “Thank You” notes, recently. It’s always nice knowing your hard work is appreciated.

My most recent case was interesting. See, here’s what had happened. There was this lady who we shall call Pam. And she was absolutely in love with this gentleman named Jim. Who…wait, I should state for the record Pam and Jim are fictional names, and I’m not actually working for Pam and Jim of The Office. But, Gentleman Jim had a dark past. Actually Past more like it. And dear, sweet Pam was worried that she was falling in love with a dangerous man.

That’s where yours truly came in. See, when you need a dangerous man handled, when you want dark secrets found, and you need to find out the truth. Well, you just call Dan Landis. He always delivers.

To make a long story short, our old friend Jim was married. Well, that’s not much of a dark secret, as far as I’m concerned. Happens to the best of us. What was interesting was that while he was married to Mrs. Jim, it turns out he was also married to Mrs. Jimmy. Guy was a, I kid you not, bigamist. Never did hear what happened to those crazy kids. Oh, spoke too soon. I was flipping through my mail while talking to you, and look at that, wedding invite. Guess Pam’s going to jump into that with both feet. Huh. Well, good for them.

Can I ask how Doc is doing, I assume he is well.

Doc’s always well. Without giving too much away, Doc has had some adventures of late. Some that my mouthpiece has yet to chronicle…there are still a few adventure’s Doc’s had that you haven’t heard about yet. Things get a little complicated for him, but that’s ok. If anyone can handle complicated, it’s Doc.

I would beat around the bush, but it's not my style. When are you going to make an honest woman out of Abbey?

That’s what I like about you Tam, you never beat around the bush. It’s your directness that really appeals to me. That and your sultry eyes. Anyone ever tell you that your eyes are mesmerizing? Well, our dear Abbey is quite a complicated lady. And frankly, you would not find a more straightforward and honest person in your life.

As far as Abbey and I…well, that’s a story that is still being told. For now, let’s just say we’re getting along like gasoline and matches.

Not to brag but my investigative skills, though not as awesome as yours, are beyond mediocre. I have it from a reliable source that you may be working a case soon with Gary, something involving a Cruise Ship. Details??

Ha ha ha, Gary still hasn’t let me live that one down. Oh, that’s a fun story, and kids, I promise it is LEGEN-wait for it, and I hope you’re not lactose intolerant because the next bit is-DAIRY! Yes, I just stole from NPH. But look, if you’re going to steal, it might as well be the best. You’ll have to wait a while to hear about that case, though. But Tam, I promise you’ll be the first to know about its release.

It's been a pleasure visiting with you today Mr. Landis, may I ask what can we expect from Dan Landis in 2013?

Well, you can expect my mouthpiece Jay Mims, to continue riding the gravy train that is my adventures. I think Gray Ghost Inn and Racing the Storm are both due out in 2013.

For me, you can expect the same quality of TLC you always get from Mama Landis’ baby boy. With just a touch of trouble.
Oh my, a Southern boy with charisma AND manners, I just may be in love!
Thank you so much to Mr. Landis for taking the time to sit down with me and answer my questions; I can't wait to see what 2013 brings for him.
If you want to follow Dan via his mouthpiece Jay, just clink on the links below.
Be sure to enter the giveaway for lots of goodies compliments of all the Fantastic authors that call Staccato home!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for another great giveaway, Tammy. Unfortunately, I'm in Australia so I'm only eligible for the runner-up prize! Thanks also to the authors.
