Friday, October 30, 2015

* * Cover Reveal * * Cross to Bare | Men of London book # 5 @SusanMacNicol7


Cross To Bare ~ Men of London book #5

Tough in business but romantic at heart, fashion designer Lenny James isn’t hiding his masculinity behind his super successful female alter ego, but a vulnerability that only handsome financier Brook Hunter will be man enough to reveal…and worship.


It’s amazing what a little mascara and lipstick, a blonde wig, false boobs, and top-notch female fashion can hide. Not that Lenny James is hiding his masculinity. He uses his normal voice when he’s Laverne, and he’s not particularly camp as a man. His reasons for creating his alter ego are locked deep in his past. He is who he is: tough in business, and a romantic at heart. What he’s hiding is vulnerability. He wants a man to accept both sides of him.

Gorgeous, commanding, and dark as sin, Brook Hunter meets Lenny and knows nothing about Laverne until fate pushes her into his path. Cross-dressing is as far from Brook’s reality as fashion is from his world of diplomacy and high finance. Understanding and truth take time, and trust doesn’t come easy. But Brook is about to show Lenny that there are no sides to true love, just the place where they meet in the middle.

CTB Pic 1

Susan Mac Nicol is a self confessed bookaholic, an avid watcher of videos of sexy pole dancing men, self confessed geek and nerd and in love with her Smartphone. This little treasure is called ‘the boyfriend’ by her long suffering husband, who says if it vibrated, there’d be no need for him. Susan hasn’t had the heart to tell him there’s an app for that… She is never happier than when sitting in the confines of her living room/study/on a cold station platform scribbling down words and making two men fall in love. She is a romantic at heart and believes that everything happens (for the most part) for a reason. She likes to think of herself as a ‘half full’ kinda gal, although sometimes that philosophy is sorely tested. Lover of walks in the forest, theatre productions, dabbling her toes in the cold North Sea and the vibrant city of London where you can experience all four seasons in a day , she is a hater of pantomime (so please don’t tar and feather her), duplicitous people, bigotry and self righteous idiots. In an ideal world, Susan Mac Nicol would be Queen of England and banish all the bad people to the Never Never Lands of Wherever -Who Cares. As that’s never going to happen, she contents herself with writing her HEA stories and pretending, that just for a little while, good things happen to good people.

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 Meet the Characters

CTB Brook and Lenny

Cross To Bare
the next book in the best selling Men of London series
Coming November 10th 2015

Catch up on the series!

3.95 of 5 stars 3.95 avg rating — 276 ratings — published 2014 — 3 editions book 1

4.27 of 5 stars 4.27 avg rating — 183 ratings — published 2015 — 3 editions book 2

4.07 of 5 stars 4.07 avg rating — 198 ratings — published 2015 — 3 editions book 3

4.21 of 5 stars 4.21 avg rating — 68 ratings — published 2015 — 4 editions book 4


  1. HI Tams
    Thank you very much for helping with the Cover Reveal.
    Big Hugs!

  2. ooh I cant wait I have been waiting for this one!
