Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Murder Most Yowl by @dressler_quinn | Cats Release day Review & Author Guest post #mmromance #LGBTReads @Dreamspinners #TheCatsMeow

Murder Most Yowl
A Cam and Jake Cat Sitting Mystery

Cat-sitting is a dangerous business.

Cameron Sherwood turned his back on law enforcement the night his investigation led to the death of an innocent gay man. Now Cam spends his time running a business that caters to his favorite animal, cats. But when Cam stumbles upon the body of a friend while feeding her feline, he can’t walk away. Dealing with a sexy yet stubborn sheriff, a matchmaking sister, and a terrifying blind date, Cam must somehow track down a killer, all while keeping the cats around him fed with his gourmet cat treats. 

Cat gives this one 5 Meows...

Cam has retired from NCIS after a tragic accident and subsequently, came out to his dad. He still hasn't had any real dates and his sister wants to rectify that. He has opened a cat care store where he sells all things cats and has his own gourmet cat treats. When he finds the body of one of his client's he finds himself tangled in mystery. Jake is a small town sheriff and suddenly there is murder in his town and his sister is set on fixing him up; he isn't sure which is scarier. 

Murder Most Yowl is a fun fast-paced story. I fell In love with both Cam and Jake. I loved the banter back and forth how they clashed at first then sort of found their way. The story is like a cozy mystery and I liked that it was hard to solve and kept me guessing to the end. Of course, I loved the cats!

I am hoping for more of these stories in the future. If you like cozies, sweet romance, men in uniform and cats and dogs, I think you will love this.

Guest post with Author Quinn Dressler... 

Hi everyone.

My name is Quinn and I write about murder, hot guys and cats. I’d like to thank Tammy for inviting me here today to talk about all three.

In my new book,  Murder Most Yowl, Cameron Sherwood has abandoned his NCIS career to follow his dream, opening up a shop that caters to cats and the people who love them.

I got the idea for Cam’s shop, the Cat’s Meow, when I visited Las Vegas many years ago. It was on that trip I found there was more to the city than the strip. Actually having a car, this time I drove to some of the other shopping districts in town, and discovered a shop full of cat paraphernalia. They had everything from cat nightlights, to a bird feeder in the shape of a cat, which was crazy on all sorts of levels. I loved the place on sight and wished there was a similar store closer to me.

No such luck, so I created my own in Murder Most Yowl. Cam’s shop is a little different than the real thing. In addition to cat shaped items for humans to buy, Cam specializes in tuna/salmon bites. Treats that the kitties just love.

He’s on his way to deliver a batch to a favorite feline while cat sitting, when he stumbles into trouble. Take a look:

As I stepped into the living room, the small of my back itched. My hand whirled around my side, reaching for the Glock 23 that no longer nestled between my belt and my skin.

This was ridiculous.

I hadn’t carried a gun for three years, not since I handed my boss a paper that clearly stated, right under the NCIS logo, that Cameron Sherwood was no longer available to do his dirty work. I no longer faced armed terrorists or drug dealers with alarming frequency. These days the worst adversary I came across was a puffed-up cat sporting unsheathed claws.

So why did I reach for a nonexistent gun?

Everything looked normal. Fran Welch always kept her living room in pristine shape. I didn’t care for her color scheme. White furniture on top of a cream carpet was a little too sterile for me, but she didn’t pay me to criticize her taste.

She did, however, pay me to take care of her cat while she was gone. Speaking of Mr. Muffin Tops….

“Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.” I jiggled the plastic bag up and down. “I have your favorite treats.”


Where was that cat? Usually I only had to shake the bag once. The spoiled boy would appear out of nowhere, twining himself between my legs. Then he’d open his mouth, ready to accept any morsel of tuna, sautéed in salmon oil, which happened to drop his way.

Not today.

A breeze whipped through the open door, causing the drapes to flutter. The rest of the room was dead still.

“Here, Mr. Muffin Tops. Come on, boy.”


Ms. Welch trusted me to care for her baby while she was in New York. I had to find him.
I shut the front door, then moved farther into the house. I kept an eye on my feet, not wanting to step on anything important. A habit I picked up years ago while walking through crime scenes.

Crime scene?

That’s only the beginning. Thereafter follows a romp of love, action and felines as Cam has to juggle a matchmaking sister, a cranky, yet oh-so-sexy sheriff and a kleptomaniac cat who loves to steal every shinny thing in sight, including a clue.

As a pet parent of six cats over the years, I have acquired a plethora of stories and cozy tales around the adorable felines. The most recent dates from just yesterday when my big, fourteen-pound boy jumped to the top of my china cabinet, a good six feet high! The china rattled but was mercifully undamaged. I was torn between wanting to get him down in one piece, to being so proud that my big baby successfully accomplished the ginormous leap. I went for proud.

I tried to sprinkle real cat tales like that throughout my book.

If you have any cat adventures of your own to share, I’d love to hear them. You can reach me at any of the links below.

Twitter: @dressler_quinn

And you can find more Yowl at Amazon and Dreamspinner Press starting June 29th.

Until we chat again.


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