Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Back Off! That's MY Jock (Jock series book 3) by @WriterWadeKelly Virtual Tour :: Tam's Review, Wade's Interview with Chris & #giveaway @Dreamspinners

Defining his sexuality didn’t make sense until his 

best friend spelled it out.

Doug Archer did some pretty idiotic things in the first eight weeks of his junior year of college. First, he kissed his gay best friend, and second, he kissed a guy he’d mistaken for a girl. Not stellar moments for Doug. If he isn’t careful, he’ll lose his spot on the soccer team to the new freshman, or worse, he might misconstrue his new friend Rob’s overly affectionate tendencies for flirting. But if Doug isn’t bothered by another guy’s attention, and he normally dates girls, does that mean he’s gay or bisexual?

Sam Garber suppressed his same-sex attraction his entire life. His father told him it was immoral, and Sam did everything he could to bury his feelings. However, after meeting Doug at a party and kissing him, Sam can’t think of anything else. He decides dating girls is the best way to keep his secret hidden. With playoffs in sight, this is no time to think about guys in any other context than soccer. Only neither boy anticipates the difficulty in suppressing his attraction for another jock! 

Hello, Wade Kelly here. My new novel, Back Off! That’s My Jock came out last Friday. This is the next installment in the JOCK Series, and is a must have for fans. The story picks up on the same day that JOCK 2 ends, so if you haven’t read book 2, then maybe you should consider it. You can buy book 3 from Dreamspinner Press,
or from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or All Romance eBooks.

Tams gives this one 5 Stars...

Doug Archer has been questioning his sexuality for a while now. After making a pass at his best friend and roommate, Chris, Doug has to entertain the idea that he just might be attracted to the same sex. Add to that a date with Sam Garber, who at the time was dressed like a chick, and Doug's sexual identity is in crisis. He worries about what his parents will think, what his other teammates might say and Doug really doesn't like labels.

Sam Garber was only wearing a dress the night of the party because he lost a bet. As much as he enjoyed the time he spent with Doug, the abuse he's suffered at the hands of his homophobic father causes Sam to deny his feelings for Doug. He even goes so far as to cut off his gorgeous hair and date a girl, all in an attempt to prove to his father and himself that he's straight. But the heart wants what the heart wants. Stolen moments and shared kisses start to chip away at Sam's resolve where Doug is concerned. While Doug quickly discovers his concerns while valid with some, are not a concern at all with most. He is ever patient with Sam while he struggles to come to terms with the fact that he's in love with Doug. 

Wade Kelly is an auto buy for me. I don't even have to know what the story is about, I know I'm going to love it. Her stories are real, raw and poetic. Her characters are broken but beautiful, their struggles are real and they have depth because of the reality to their storylines. I think it's Kelly's faith that gives her the ability to create these perfectly flawed characters and make the reader not only relate to them, but root for them as well. What I enjoyed most about this story in particular was how both young men struggled with similar identity crisis, but eventually found their way. Especially Doug. He was so patient with Sam and that just made his character much more endearing for me. 

Definitely a must read for those that are a fan of the Author and, or the series. Readers who like detailed stories, hard fought happy ever afters and stories about young adults that are drowning in angst will surely enjoy this book as well. I highly recommend starting with the first Jock book though if you're new or you'll be lost. But that's just my two cents.

Wade: If you’ve been following my blog tour for JOCK 3, as I call it for short, then you know I’ve been doing a series of interviews with my characters from the JOCK Series. Today on TTC Books and More, Chris Jackson is joining us to ask me some questions. He is the main character from book 2, and is the best friend of the main character, Doug, in book 3. I hope you find this interview entertaining. Sometimes it is difficult to come up with ideas for a blog tour, but after this one I’m not sure there is anything else to know about me. I’ve laid it all out there for you.

Welcome Chris. Take it away.

Chris: Hello, readers. As Wade said, I’m the main character from book 2, No! Jocks Don’t Date Guys. I’d say I’m the star of the McDaniel soccer team, but it is a team sport and we have loads of great players. My best bud Doug is one of them. I’ve been playing soccer with him for years and we clicked better than anyone else until Sam joined the team. So Wade… why did you write a book for Doug? Not that he didn’t deserve one, but what made you chose him instead of someone else on the team or on the campus?

Wade: I chose Doug because I really liked his character when he was in book 2. I liked the struggles he had and I saw potential for a bisexual character. I hadn’t written one before. Some could argue that Nick Jones from Names Can Never Hurt Me was bisexual, but I never stated it outright and I didn’t go into the book thinking to make him bisexual. In my mind he was gay, but hadn’t figured it out yet. Doug Archer is bisexual, but hasn’t figured it out yet. I wanted to write a character with aggression and a temper and boom! Doug was that guy. I had to write the next book for Doug.

Chris: I love the guy, but he has always been a little dense. I’m glad you paired him up with someone who could compliment his personality. What was the hardest part about writing this book?

Wade: Getting all the facts straight. Since this is a series, I couldn’t get characters names wrong or dates wrong or forget which players were on the team. I had to try to keep Cole in character and Rob. I had to remember YOU were Doug’s best friend and make all the relationships believable. I think writing book 4 will be even harder.

Chris:  What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

Wade: Writing about places I’ve been and things I’ve seen. Chapter 6 was especially fun. I love the interaction with all the characters. I was a challenge to write so many into the story, but it was also fun!

Chris: I’m glad you included so many of my fellow teammates, especially Cullen. What would you say characterizes your style of writing?

Wade: Unpredictability. I think all my books are different. I see them as character driven and since all my characters are different, the stories are too. This may frustrate some people, because they look for uniformity, but I can’t write that way. I pretty much write whatever falls out of my head. Since my brain is a pinball machine, there isn’t much chance of two stories being the same. I see them as stories of the heart and since every person’s heart is different, every story is different.

Chris: I agree. I would think it more difficult to write books that are all the same if the people are different. I’m glad you mix things up. I love to read and I enjoy adventures. If every great explorer did the same exact think and thought the same exact way, I probably would get bored reading their stories. I like that people have passions for exploring the arctic, while others want to study mountain lions. As they say, variety is the spice of life.

Wade: Yup!

Chris: Here’s a question for you. If you were on a deserted island, which three people would you want to have with you and why? However, one person is a character from your book, one is a character from another author’s book, and one is a famous person that isn’t family or a friend.

Wade: Somehow, this feels like something Rob would ask.

Chris: *chuckles* Yes, I imagine he would.

Wade: Okay. My book, Rob McAvoy because I think he’s funny and has enough energy to keep the conversation going when I’m bored and frustrated. A different character: Victor Bayne, because he’s super sarcastic and I think it would be entertaining to see him argue with Rob when he talks too much. If we are all stranded, then dying from boredom would probably come before starvation so keeping ourselves entertained is key. LOL And one famous person? That’s a difficult choice. Matt Damon maybe? He seems interesting. Intelligent and creative, I could pick his brain about his success, and maybe we could collaborate and write a movie script while we are stranded. Who would you pick? And you can pick someone other than a character of yours since you don’t write.

Chris: I’d love to meet John Muir because he writes beautifully, Douglas Mawson because he’s my favorite explorer, and out of your books Keith Leppo because I think he’s got a similar temperament to my pal Doug Archer. They are both hotheads so I think I could stand being stranded on an island with him because I understand how to deal with that. Plus, we’d both be missing our sweethearts so we could console one another while we waited to be rescued. Although, I bet Doulas Mawson would be the kind of guy to find a way off the island.

Wade: I like your choices and the way you think! Thank you for joining me here on TTC Books & More. I have just one more stop on my blog tour and then I’ll pick some winners. I have noticed I have a small contingent of fans who are most consistent in commenting. Thank you Jen CW, Ineztey Garcia, Jen f., Christina Az., H.B., Lisa, and Trix! You guys make me smile whenever I see your names next to a comment! One of you will most likely win the grand prize!

If any readers out there haven’t read JOCK 1, My Roommate’s a Jock? Well, Crap! I recommend you read that one first. And don’t forget I wrote a free short titled: Oh, Crap! This Jock’s Getting Married. Visit All Romance eBooks for a copy or email me. writerwadekelly After those, then read book 2, No! Jocks Don’t Date Guys. You’ll be all caught up for book 3.

And if you are interested in the book Chris referenced featuring Keith Leppo, Misplaced Affection, then visit my website for details or Amazon, or All Romance eBooks. As an aside, I am offering to bring this book TO YOU in Kansas City if you are going to GRL. Check out my google doc here.

I think I’ll end it here. Thank you for visiting. If you are looking for more fun, here are the other stops of this blog tour. Remember to comment:

August 17th2 Chicks Obsessed
August 19thPrism Alliance
August 22ndLove Bytes Reviews
August 24thAshley John’s blog
August 25th – Dreamspinner Press’ Blog
August 26th – Release Day! I’m on Elisa Rolle’s blog
August 29TH – Joyfully Jay
August 30th – Long & Short Reviews
August 31stTTC Books & More
September 2ndMM Good Book Reviews

I hope you enjoy release day as much as I will! Whoot!!!

As for the giveaways…  I, Wade Kelly, will be giving away one GRAND PRIZE (items listed below) and three runner up prizes of a $10 gift card for Amazon. What you need to do is leave a comment. ALL comments are logged for a chance at the prizes. ONLY those who leave a comment on ALL eleven blog stops will be entered into the Grand Prize drawing. Last time I think there were 15 people in the Grand Prize drawing.

Note: If we’ve never chatted and you aren’t on Facebook, it is a good idea to leave an e-mail address because I need to know how to reach you. If I can’t, and I reply to your comment on the blog post that you’ve won but don’t hear from you, I have to give the prize to the next person on my list. Each comment gets you a chance in the drawing. If you leave one on each, that is eleven entries PLUS you are listed in the Grand Prize drawing. For a reminder if the rules, and where I’m stopping next, visit my blog post HERE.

Grand Prize includes all of the following:
1)     One of my famous spoons in the colors of your choice
2)     A $10 gift card from Amazon
3)     One paperback signed from my back list (Not counting JOCK 3)
4)     An e-book copy of JOCK 4, when it comes out.
5)     And last, but not least, a soccer jersey for the player of your choice from the players in JOCK 3. (I’ll list them on my website along with pictures of the jerseys. They come in adult S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, & 4XL)

 Wade Kelly lives and writes in conservative, small-town America on the east coast where it’s not easy to live free and open in one's beliefs. Wade writes passionately about controversial issues and strives to make a difference by making people think. Wade does not have a background in writing or philosophy, but still draws from personal experience to ponder contentious subjects on paper. There is a lot of pain in the world and people need hope. When not writing, she is thinking about writing, and more than likely scribbling ideas on sticky notes in the car while playing "taxi driver" for her children. She likes snakes, can’t spell, and has a tendency to make people cry.

So there you go. If you have any questions, please let me know. Comment here or email me:

Author Links: WWW :: Facebook :: Facebook Fan Group :: Blog :: Twitter

In addition to Wade's generous giveaway; every comment on Eeery blog post is entered into a monthly giftcard giveaway.
Remember to leave your contact info when you comment!


  1. Seriously it's my pleasure following you through the blog tours, and the giveaway is just bonus.

    I wish I lived in US just so that I could go to those Cons and finally meet my fave authors but alas...

    I envy you guys your creativity but then as you said writing a series is tough what with having to keep everything straight, especially since us, readers, will go through it with a fine tooth comb (not me I have the memory of a goldfish xDDD), so then my envy goes away xDD =D

    Thank you for another entertaining interview see you at your last stop in 2 days *writes note in hand so she won't forget*

    nonexicted at yahoo dot gr

    1. Well, Maybe one day I'll visit wherever you are :D
      It's been a long tour, so I am very happy you've stuck around and enjoyed it.

  2. I have been following your tour.

    A great interview. The continuity must drive you crazy with a series.


    1. Continuity is a concern. I like things to mesh. :D

  3. I really enjoyed reading the entire post today. This is a new author for me so thank you for the reveal!

  4. great interview...congrats

  5. Thanks, Tam, for the great review!

    And, I loved Chris' question about picking three people. That was a new twist.


    1. Cool! Thank you. I'm glad you appreciate me trying to be different.

  6. Another rave review, awesome!

    --Trix, vitajex(at)aol(Dot)com

  7. Great interview with Chris. Thank you for the review too.
    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  8. Another great interview and post - so much fun and it reminds me how much I have loved all of these characters! This tour has been a blast!


    1. One more day not he tour on Friday! Glad you are having fun!

  9. Thank you for the review and another great interview! This book tour has been a blast!

  10. Another great interview. I would take Rob too if I was stranded. He would keep me entertained and I would give him all the hugs in the world for however long he wanted them.

  11. So sad I just found out about the tour today, but on the plus side my boss is gone so I have been able to go back and read them!!! Count the wins when you can!!!
    Falling in love totally makes you question your sanity for sure...LOL

    1. I'm so glad you found time. I set a time of Monday for that very reason. Sometimes people work and I wanted people to have time. THANK YOU for taking the time to stop by! :)
      And yes, Love makes people do crazy things

  12. This is been a fun tour- I need to get my hands on This Jock's Getting Married though! Looks so cute!


    1. Sheila. How fun! You are showing up everywhere :) thank you for stopping by! <3

    2. If you have trouble downloading Getting Married, then email me and I'll send it to you.

  13. Another great interview! Love the 3 person question! Popecat at yahoo dot com

  14. Congrats on the new release! I love this series, I can't wait to read it. Is there going to be a book 4?

    1. I'm writing book 4 now. And there will be a book 5.

  15. Another great interview! Love the 3 person question! Popecat at yahoo dot Com
    Thanks! Grace Pope

  16. Thanks for the mention, Wade! I've enjoyed the tour.

    1. I'm impressed that 11 people diligently followed each and every post! WOW! Thanks for being one of them!

    2. Hello, lovely people. I have picked the winners.
      The runners-up for a $10 gift card from Amazon are:
      Kristian E.
      Sheila S
      Ineztey G.
      There were 11 contestants in the final grand prize drawing.
      The winner is... drum roll....
      Jen CW

      I appreciate all of you following the tour around to 12 stops! WOW. Such dedication. I hope you will come back the next time I have a book tour. I'm still writing JOCK 4, but I hope that one will be out next year. We'll see. I need to finish writing it first. Thank you for your support!
