Monday, July 29, 2019

Endless Blue Seas by Annie Dyer Release Blitz & #giveaway @EJBookPromos @WriterAnnie @TTCBooksandmore

Title: Endless Blue Seas
Author: Annie Dyer
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 29, 2019

The first time I saw Anya I was shirtless and holding an axe.
It was June, the weather balmy and Anya was beautiful, but that didn’t matter because I was drowning in my own grief.
Anya wasn’t meant to be my saviour.
I wasn’t meant to be hers.
A perfect summer, an idyllic island, a stream of stolen nights.
All bandaids on an open wound.
If we were going to live again, she deserved more than the fractured shards of the broken creature I’d become.
She deserved love.
Endless Blue Seas is a standalone summer romance, guaranteed to melt your heart and other items.

J. Williams (Goodreads) - “This is a beautifully written story about love, loss, grief and hope.”
Lauren Hutchinson (Goodreads) - “This is such an emotional story about loss, grief and love. It is so beautifully written and handles the story in such a perfect way.”
Debra Phiri (Goodreads) - “Annie Dyer has a true gift for story telling. This story to me is so different from her other work but in the best way.”
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