Sunday, December 20, 2020

Cat's Review of Heart and Home (Heart, Home, Family Book 2) By Andrew Grey @andrewgreybooks @TTCBooksandmore

Professional marketer Alan Wright needs time to recover, both physically and mentally. After getting out of the hospital, his best friend Clay takes him to his farm, where it’s quiet to recuperate. Healing is going to take a lot more time and effort than Alan ever imagined and require professional help, which comes in the form of a strong man with a gentle touch.

Haley Martin, a nurse-therapist, has never fit in with his family, the town, or himself. When he’s hired to assist Alan with his recovery, he discovers a place with people like him who live their lives without shame or fear. As Alan begins his recovery, Haley starts to come into his own as well. He just has to have the courage to take it to heart.

As Alan and Haley both learn to overcome their challenges, Haley needs to figure out how to deal with his overbearing father and stand on his own two feet. Together, holding on to each other, they learn to be stronger together and start to build a possible future. But their old lives still have pull, and they both must decide what’s truly important.

Buy link: Amazon 

Cat gives this one 5 Meows with a 2 Purr heat index...

I have been waiting on this book since reading the first…A Heart Back Home. It is best to read book one first as those characters take a major part in this book as well and most of the story is on Clay’s Farm.

I was excited to get Alan’s story. It started out a little sad, but as Alan got better the sadness faded. I felt sorry for Haley having to deal with a father like his and just when you think things are all worked out there is a change.

I absolutely loved all of the characters, the plot, and the storyline was really good, then there was little Archie that stole the show again!

Andrew Grey has a way of making his books very sensual and sexy without a lot of graphic sex, so it is pretty hot.

If you like hurt/comfort, coming out, good friends, city boy/country boy, and cute kids with moderate heat, this is for you!


Andrew Grey is the author of over 100 works of Contemporary Gay Romantic fiction. After twenty-seven years in corporate America, he has now settled down in Central Pennsylvania with his husband, Dominic, and his laptop. An interesting ménage. Andrew grew up in western Michigan with a father who loved to tell stories and a mother who loved to read them. Since then he has lived throughout the country and traveled throughout the world. 

He is a recipient of the RWA Centennial Award, has a master's degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and now writes full-time. Andrew's hobbies include collecting antiques, gardening, and leaving his dirty dishes anywhere but in the sink (particularly when writing). He considers himself blessed with an accepting family, fantastic friends, and the world's most supportive and loving partner. Andrew currently lives in beautiful, historic Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Visit Andrew's web Twitter: @andrewgreybooks


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