Friday, October 19, 2012

Fangtastic Halloween Event. Guest Post & Giveaway with Sallie Lundy-Frommer

Yesterday’s Daughter is an emotionally laden paranormal vampire romance novel woven with layers of betrayal, love and loss. Grace Stone, who later learns her true identity is Sapphira, is a loner who survives abuse in the foster care system after being abandoned as a child.

A brilliant student, she escapes from her brutal foster parents as a teenager and creates a life for herself. But, her life is little more than existence; plagued with questions about what she really is, a family that she has never known and the never-ending need to keep her differences hidden. She is alone and lonely, believing it will always remain so until Malachi appears in her life.

Malachi, a Guardian of the vampire communities, has searched for his life mate, Sapphira, for decades. He refuses to cease searching for Sapphira even though she is believed dead by all. Conflict arises over the decades between Malachi and his family because of his refusals to accept another mate. But his very soul drives him on to continue his search, knowing that he could not exist if Sapphira were not in the world, somewhere.  **
I visited with Sallie and did an author interview just a few months back, I thought this time around I'd ask her to do a Guest post and share her reason for writing about Vampires............

Why Vampires, and how did you keep your book different from all the other vampire books out there.
Why my subconscious selected these mythical creatures as inspiration, that’s open to speculation. Since I don’t have access to a psychiatrist or someone to analyze my dreams, I’ll take a stab at it answering the question of why I chose to write about vampires….:-)
The easy answer would be to say that I’m a huge fan of vampire books and moves. I’ve seen every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and watched Christopher Lee drain more than a few damsels in distress. I read Stephen King’s, Salem’s Lot and the first time I saw the movie, I had nightmares for a couple of weeks. And let’s not forget Octavia Butler’s, Fledgling. Who can forget Shori who appears to be a child of maybe eleven years, but is actually 53 year old. 
I could say that all those books and movies going in my head like quarters in a slot machine were bound to produce like output eventually. I’m sure that part of it. But, when I search deep, what draws me to vampires is time. They have time to experience life, experiment, make mistakes, and witness the great and small. When you compare the lives of vampires to humans, you can’t help but be struck by fleeting span of the human life. The idea of creating characters that may have lived at the time of Mark Anthony, discussed brush strokes with Michael Angelo or watched the sky as the Russian Sputnik passed causes my imagination to churn with possibilities of what characters can do when they are not constrained by time. There is so much opportunity to create enormous literary canvas when my characters are not married to specific era. 
Because vampires are “tried and true” or a staple in the paranormal world it can be a challenge to differentiate ones work from another. But, Yesterday’s Daughter is different because it reflects contemporary society encouraging the reader will consider their feelings about people who seem different from them, the assumptions we may make about other groups, and the consequences of those assumptions.

Author Bio:

I was born on a farm in the rural South to a family of migrant farm workers. In fact, my family is huge. Some might call it a clan…:-) I’m the youngest of 10 children. Yup, I have six brothers and three sisters. And yes, holidays are a zoo…:-).


Anyway, at an early age, my family moved to the urban Northeast. No more running in the cotton fields for me….:-)


I now live in the suburban Northeast with my husband and a large assortment of plants. I don’t have any children but as you can well imagine, I have tons of nieces and nephews.


As for my education, I was the first in my family to go to college. I hold bachelors and masters degrees in Human Resource Management. But I have nieces and nephews working on PhDs. Way to go kinfolks!!!!

I guess that’s enough for now. I hope you’ve enjoyed a peek into my world.
Thank you so much to Sallie for taking the time to be our Guest here at Tam's Two Cents and for the giveaway (details to follow).  We'll end this post with Sallie's 10 Favorite Things!

10 favorite things, Sallie Lundy-Frommer:

my husband
my family
Chocolate Ice Cream

Up for grabs is a signed copy of Yesterday's Daughter, US only.  Find everything Yesterday's at these links;

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Many thanks for having me Tammy!!!

    1. Many your welcome's Sallie, and thank you for always agreeing to participate and support the blog!

  2. Hey guys *sheepishly smiles* I really want to win this signed paperback! I love this book!! lol Thank you for the giveaway!! Crossing my fingers!!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jessy. Good luck in the giveaway.........:)

  3. Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway. Fingers and toes crossed. U need this book for my book bash

    1. Finger and toes...:) Well that's a lot of wishing....:). Good luck and thanks for stopping by.

  4. Thank you so much for the giveaway your book sounds fantastic!

    1. Good luck with the giveaway!!

    2. It is fantastic! Win or Loose you simply must read it!!

  5. Thank you Ms. Sallie for the giveaway. I have read the e-copy of your book, loved it, but would love to have the hard copy.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Cindy. I so appreciate your taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. I means a great deal to me.

  6. thank you for the giveaway. would love to read this book

    1. I hope you enjoy the book!! Thanks for participating!

  7. big thanks to both of you for the interview and contest :)

    1. Good Morning Patricia, good luck in the giveaway!
