Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Cat's Review of Nowhere to Ride by Andrew Grey @andrewgreybooks @TTCBooksandmore

Unjustly accused of a crime, Ky Archer is trying to keep his ranch together, with fierce tenacity and minimal help. With his nefarious accuser the lead wolf at the door, Ky is resolved to do whatever he has to in order to keep the final link with his family intact.

Brodie Tyler is down on his luck--way down. Down enough to camp with his baby sister in a tent to get away from relatives he’d hoped would help him. His parents are gone and he's got nowhere to go, but he’s determined to keep his sister safe with him, no matter what.
Ky finds Brodie and Emily on his property and takes them in out of the storm… literally. Neither expects the heat that ignites between them to be as hot as the western sun. The men find they fit together well, both at work and in the bedroom. They also find they have a common enemy who tries to tear them apart. Working together, they might discover that each holds the key for the other’s desire

Buy Link: Amazon 

Cat Gives this 5 Meows with a 2 purr heat index...

This is your typical Andrew Grey book, Absolute Perfection!

The characters are so well rounded and real. You can feel the emotion oozing off the page. 
The plot is interesting and keeps you intrigued and the storylines interesting. 

The characters are so good. You have Ky the rough cowboy ( ranch owner) trying to save his legacy from a man that has accused him of killing his son, the man Ky loved and never would hurt. Jacob is ruthless snd trying to buy all the ranches so he owns everything. 

His nephew shows up for help with a baby sister and he tries to take the baby. He runs with the baby and Ky finds them trapped in a storm on his property and brings them in. The little one is 18 month old and adds cuteness and charm along with Ky’s three dogs. 

You have everything that you would want in this story, hot cowboy, cute kids, cute dogs, a touch of mystery (what really happened to Mason) and a sweet romance. All the feels and, again, perfection! 

Andrew Grey is the author of over 100 works of Contemporary Gay Romantic fiction. After twenty-seven years in corporate America, he has now settled down in Central Pennsylvania with his husband, Dominic, and his laptop. An interesting ménage. Andrew grew up in western Michigan with a father who loved to tell stories and a mother who loved to read them. Since then, he has lived throughout the country and traveled throughout the world. 

He is a recipient of the RWA Centennial Award, has a master's degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and now writes full-time. Andrew's hobbies include collecting antiques, gardening, and leaving his dirty dishes anywhere but in the sink (particularly when writing). He considers himself blessed with an accepting family, fantastic friends, and the world's most supportive and loving partner. Andrew currently lives in beautiful, historic Carlisle, Pennsylvania. 

Visit Andrew's web site 

Twitter: @andrewgreybooks


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