Series: The Opposites Series
Novels Included:
Opposites, The Library, Appearances, The Cellar
Opposites, The Library, Appearances, The Cellar
Author: T.M. Smith
Genre: M/M Romance
Platforms: Available now on Kindle Unlimited
Hello everyone and welcome to the re-release tour for the Opposites series. When I first released this series I was a new Author, self published, going the road all by my lonesome. Regretably, I made some mistakes. Thankfully, the editor I found when I started writing my second series, The All Cocks stories, offered to go back and clean up the Opposites series for me. The books have been extensively edited for errors and faults in the storyline. Some content that bordered on overly descriptive has been removed, but new content to better explain the characters and/or the world has been added. So, if you read these books when they initially released, you simply must read them again, they really are better than before.
A little bit about the series… Opposites is an Adult Dystopian majorly M/M series that contains explicit sexual content and relationships between gay, lesbian and straight couples. There are brief scenes of violence, each novel contains mostly M/M content and storylines, but there is M/F content as well. The companion novellas are strictly M/M and super spicy!
Again, thank you for stopping by today and I hope you’ll go grab your copies of the books. Thanks must be given to the lovely ladies at Enticing Journey for always setting up these top notch book tours. I hope you enjoy the show!