The School of The Ages series by Matt Posner is one of my favorite book series to date! Sara Ghost, a STA short, is free this weekend.. go grab your copy now. Look for my review of book 3, The War against Love, in the coming weeks.
From Sara Ghost:
I lock the bathroom door, strip to get in the shower. My
arms are specked with white lines from little cuts. But I don't cut in the
house. I want to, now, really badly. I imagine cutting really deeply, like with
a steak knife, leaving a puddle on the green tiles. Bleed out the fear, the
worry, to make me ready for whatever horrible thing Jack Misra is going to do to
me. Did I really just say "Eew" like a five-year-old who doesn't like what's on
her plate? Why didn't I have guts to say, 'Dad, this guy is a pervert and he's
going to rape me?' My dad's … disgusting and my mom's a beast and I'm growing
into a mix of both of them. My mom's big butt and fat lips … and dusty skin, my
dad's round fat face and muddy eyes with pinched eye sockets and even a little
of his mustache if you look closely. I imagine taking a big butcher knife and
cutting around the edges and just peeling my ugly face away and flushing it down
the toilet. Even Jack Misra wouldn't want me after that. Go on, Jack. You wanted
to @#$%@# a pig, but will you @#$%@# a faceless bleeding monster? **
Ghost is not a ghost at all, she calls herself a ghost because she feels
invisible. Filled with self loathing and
inner turmoil that is only fueled by her emotionally unavailable parents, she
hurts herself so she can feel. Sara is a
‘cutter’ who is dangerously close to becoming a ghost until a chance encounter
at school brings two unlikely new friends into Sara’s life and her self image
issues slowly begin to change. Goldberry
and Simon (School of the Ages students) actually SEE her, the real her, and
slowly but surely she begins to see herself as well.
is a dark story but, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I especially liked the way Sara learns by
watching the relationship between Goldberry and Simon; how it brings about a
slight change not only in how she thinks but, her confidence as
think that Sara Ghost as well as Teen Guide to Sex and Relationships (another of
Posner’s works) should be read by all our teens. One is fiction and the other
advice, but both books can help and entertain high schoolers. Yes, this book is about a dangerously serious
illness that encompasses more and more people every day. On the upside, Posner does not sensationalize
the issue at all; he gives valid reasons why Sara is this way and why she hurts
herself. He then gives valid reasons why
she shouldn’t and, in the end, the opportunity to change her
is also a sneak peak at book 3, The War against Love, The School of The Ages
series. There is an Author Interview
with Matt Posner AND a ghost story at the end.
For a 99 cents novella, he really stuffed this one full of
goodies! *update, Sara Ghost is FREE via Amazon this weekend, grab your copy today!*
For all Matt's works, check out his Amazon Author Page
I lock the bathroom door, strip to get in the shower. My arms are specked with white lines from little cuts. But I don't cut in the house. I want to, now, really badly. I imagine cutting really deeply, like with a steak knife, leaving a puddle on the green tiles. Bleed out the fear, the worry, to make me ready for whatever horrible thing Jack Misra is going to do to me. Did I really just say "Eew" like a five-year-old who doesn't like what's on her plate? Why didn't I have guts to say, 'Dad, this guy is a pervert and he's going to rape me?' My dad's … disgusting and my mom's a beast and I'm growing into a mix of both of them. My mom's big butt and fat lips … and dusty skin, my dad's round fat face and muddy eyes with pinched eye sockets and even a little of his mustache if you look closely. I imagine taking a big butcher knife and cutting around the edges and just peeling my ugly face away and flushing it down the toilet. Even Jack Misra wouldn't want me after that. Go on, Jack. You wanted to @#$%@# a pig, but will you @#$%@# a faceless bleeding monster? **
I love that you added the link to get the book and links to find author! :)