Taboo Kisses…where desires and inhibitions collide.
Dispatched to the mortal realm from Atlantis to seek the source of a brewing rebellion, Sameya is thrown for a tailspin when she discovers her fated mates. As a siren her songs entice mankind and immortals alike to their death. She’s stunned to be seduced by a taboo union with a tiger-shifter and vampyr. Mating the pair could complicate everything and threaten her freedom. Fueled by her duty to Atlantis, Sameya rejects fate’s wisdom and refutes her attraction to the men.
Taboo Kisses…when the forbidden becomes irresistible.
Gabriel and Maximus have been searching for their mate for centuries. Neither expected the siren they were hired to find would deliver more than a lucrative payday. Frustrated by Sameya’s aversion to their mating, the men anticipate an empty future if she refuses to complete their union. In a rash move Maximus seizes Sameya and holds her captive.
Taboo Kisses…when the siren is serenaded with temptation.
Trapped and at their mercy, Sameya is bombarded with pleasure. Can her mates convince her to take a gamble on their taboo union? With danger lurking in the shadows, will the choice be taken from her?
Empress’ delights, she disliked the jumbled way he made her feel. Confused one
moment and aroused the next. “What is your name?”
“Call me mate.”
Her breathing died, then escalated. She forced a lame-ass sounding laugh past her lips.
“Don’t get cocky. I’m not into leeches.”
“Don’t disqualify me from the running.” He sidled closer, aligning his body against
hers once more, but maintaining space with his palms on the mausoleum on either
side of her head. “Not when Gabriel and I haven’t had the gratification of making you
She gasped, her eyes rounding at his foregone conclusion. “Better men than you have
“None of them were your mates.”
“Wait! Mates? As in plural?” She flattened her hands against his chest to push him
away, but forgot to add pressure. The hard contours of his body fascinated her more than
was practical. “That’s…insane.” But gods the idea fascinated her. “Sirens don’t partner
outside our race and we certainly don’t have more than one partner.”
Sameya didn’t realize she spoke the thought aloud until the vampyr thrust both his
hands into her hair. After he had her anchored into position, he shifted closer, widening
his stride to fit her pelvis between his legs. His hard-on nestled against her abdomen as he
tilted her head back by her hair.
“No more insane than a vampyr mating a shifter.” His mouth landed on hers. He
nibbled on her bottom lip, licked the corners and crease. Distracted by the exhilarating
sensations, she was unprepared to counteract his move when he placed the pad of his
thumb against her chin and tugged, parting her lips for his tongue to thrust inside.

Gracen is a hopeless daydreamer masquerading as a "normal" person in southern society. When not writing, she's a full-time basketball/football/guitar mom for her two sons and a devoted wife to her real-life hero-husband. She's addicted to writing, paranormal romance novels and movies, Alabama football and coffee…addictions are not necessarily in order of priority. She is convinced coffee is nectar from the gods and blending coffee and writing together generates the perfect creative merger. Many of her creative worlds are spawned from coffee highs.
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