The deeper into the death they delve, the further into their own personal histories they plummet, as each is forced to face the fact that the loss of Sam is far from their most devastating. As the case continues, inner anguish reaches crescendo points for Danny, Ella, Marco, and Sarah as the answers they want continue to elude them, and the evidence they want to escape refuses to retreat...
Shattered Illusions/ Goodreads
Leigh Hershkovich's writing career began almost at infancy. Born and raised in The City By The Bay, Leigh was never seen without a pen and paper by her side, and was never without a story to share. With her vivid imagination and sharp writing tactics, Leigh has taken the world by storm twice over. Now, with her debut novel Shattered Illusions, readers will get a first time glimpse into her first full fiction attempt.
An avid reader, accomplished pianist, passionate scholar of language and the arts, Leigh currently resides in New York with her imagination.
Follow Leigh on www + Facebook + Goodreads
*Tell us about yourself. Where were you born and where do you call home?
I was born and raised in San Francisco, California. Currently home is Brooklyn, New York.
*What was your inspiration for Shattered Illusions?
My inspiration for Shattered Illusions came from a couple of things. I was reading a fantastic book called The Angels Game, and one of the themes of the book struck a cord with me. I decided to follow the theme through with my own ideas, and see where it would go. It ended up becoming a full length novel!
*For those who are unfamiliar with your novel; Shattered Illusions, how would you introduce it?
Shattered Illusions is a psychology novel disguised as a murder mystery. It follows a group of strangers during a crime investigation which, for one reason or another, they all becoming directly a part of. The story is told through the perspectives of these individuals as they deal with the consequences of their actions.
*What are the Pro's and Con's to being a published Author?
Oh, that's a tough one. The pros are endless. It is such a great accomplishment, one that I am so proud to say I reached at such a young age. The major con is that, what people don't realize is that being a published author is not the be all and end all. I was thoroughly convinced that my life would somehow magically turn into something else, which it didn't. The beauty in it is recognizing the accomplishment but not basing my life on this sole event.
*What was the first thing you did when you got the news you was being published?
I was helping my sister get ready for a date the night that I found out. I calmly helped her get ready, then proceeded to cry, dance and then throw up. There were a lot of intense emotions involved there.
*Whom in your life would you say has influenced you the most?
The person that has most influenced me is my mom. She has the strength of fifty, yet she's so quiet and humble. I wish I could take my life experiences and handle them as she has handled hers.
*Who is YOUR favorite Author?
My all time favorite is Roberto Bolano.
*What are you reading right now?
I'm actually in the middle of three books. 1) Parades End by Ford Maddox Ford 2) Musicophilia by Dr Oliver Sacks 3) The Marriage Plot by Jeffery Euginides.
*Tell us your latest news
I'm arranging my own book tour for this summer, which I am looking forward to and very nervous about!
~ A huge thank you to Hershkovich for sharing her book and her time with us! Be sure to enter the giveaway below for a chance to win a signed copy of Shattered Illusions! ~
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