An Undying Oath by HK Savage
Book Blurb:
Sargent Justin Shaw returned from the war with what is left of his unit, though instead of being hailed as heroes, they are being sought as test subjects. Their last mission behind enemy lines to obtain a WMD ended with them exposed and on the run. Their goal is not only to destroy the weapon, but also the program being run by their own government. Justin and his men have sacrificed everything for their mission. Will it be enough? Samantha James, a girl whose father disappeared almost twenty years ago unwittingly holds the key. When her father returns bodies start to fall. Sam doesn't know who to trust. Both Justin and her father have their own agendas and either one of them could end up with her dead.
Between books HK reads voraciously. Anything with a good plot and compelling characters are her broad parameters. One is as likely to catch her with a copy of Don Quixote as with the latest in Gail Carriger’s steampunk series.
HK practices martial arts, rides her horse, gardens and plays with her family every chance she gets. Next winter she intends to brush up on her Spanish and escape the cold for somewhere more tropical.
Author links: Staccato Publishing + Goodreads + www + Facebook

The Reapers by Jacinta Maree
Book Blurb:
The day you die is meant to be the end, but for 18 year old Jordon Hastings, his death was only the beginning.
In a dark and twisted world, lost spirits known as Reapers remain behind after death to help collect the spirits from the realm of the living. A new Reaper, Jordon struggles to accept his fate and lingers in the shadows of his mortal life. But when a demon wolf starts to live through his shadow, hunting his family and friends Jordon has no choice but to leave. As soon as he accepts his new role the truth behind the relationship between Reapers and Angelic Hunters is revealed. His loyalty is tested, making him choose between a corrupted God and a single Banished Spirit.
Self confessed chocaholic, Jacinta was born and raised in Melbourne Australia with her loving family of five. Even as a child Jacinta had an itch to write. Writing was the one constant hobby she clung to, also trying her hand at piano, flute, tennis, horseback riding and drama.

Jacinta works full time in the family business and spends her afternoons either playing basketball, reading, writing or hanging out with friends. She is always happy to try something new; getting her real estate license, practicing ninjitshu, Zumba and parkour to name a few.
For her future, Jacinta sees herself writing. It is a large part of her identity and something she hopes to continue. Aside from her love of stories she loves Japan and its unique and beautiful culture and history. From their delicious sushi dishes right down to their wooden sandals and kimonos. She is also a huge cat person and loves to snuggle up in front of the fire for a good movie or book. Her favorite genres are paranormal and fantasy but she also loves anything written by thriller writer, Stephen King.

Book Blurb:
Aphrodite despises Aries and when Zeus proposes a contest, the prize being expulsion of her enemy from Olympus, Aphrodite cannot resist. The catch: should Aries prevail it is Aphrodite who must leave her home. Risks aside, she cannot refuse the possibility of a future without her former lover.
The challenge: two mortals must fall in love. It is simple. However, the players could not be more ill-suited. Poetry, a free spirited artist and Adrian, a defense attorney would not normally choose one another. But when gods interfere anything is possible.
Donna Milward lives in Edmonton, Alberta in a tiny house with a huge yard. She’s been writing all her life, but decided to put writing on hold to get ‘a real job’ as a meatcutter and build a future with her beloved troll, Dan and her cats Freya, Sully, and Spartacus Jones.

Twelve years later, an invitation to a Romance Writer’s Conference in Washington D.C. led not only to new friends and new knowledge, but to the inspiration to write again. Thoeba was completed the following year.
Donna likes to mix her fascination with reincarnation and all things paranormal with her love of mythology in her work, and has even written her own myth ‘The Sacred Truth” (on as the lore behind Thoeba and future novels to come.
Donna enjoys fishing, gardening and canning. Despite these hobbies, she much prefers city life.
Follow the blog tour for these books to find out more about the authors and characters!!
Sept.18 'THE REAPER'S' by Jacinta Maree
Please don't feed the Mimsey ~Mimsey-style post
Sept. 19 'THE REAPER'S' by Jacinta Maree
Wine Relaxation and MY Kindle ~Review & Spotlight
Sinful Review ~Review
Sept. 20 'THE REAPER'S' by Jacinta Maree
BookEnd 2 BookEnd ~Review & Guest Post
Oh My Shelves ~Spotlight
Sept. 21 'THE REAPER'S' by Jacinta Maree
World's of Wonderment ~Spotlight & Review
Sept. 22' THE REAPER'S' by Jacinta Maree
Random Musesomy ~Spotlight
Becca Anne's Book Reviews ~Review & Character bio
Sept. 23 'THE REAPER'S' by Jacinta Maree
Our New Generation for Reading ~Spotlight & Review
Sept. 24 'THE REAPER'S' by Jacinta Maree
Tam's Two Cents ~Review & author top 10 scarey movies
E.C. Hibbs ~Spotlight & Review
Sept. 25 'APHRODITE'S WAR' by Donna Milward
Please don't feed the Mimsey~Spotlight & Author interview
Oh My Shelves ~Spotlight
Sept. 26 'APHRODITE'S WAR' by Donna Milward
BookEnd 2 BookEnd ~Review & Playlist
Becca Anne's Book Reviews ~Review & Character bio
Sept. 27 'APHRODITE'S WAR' by Donna Milward
Jacinta Maree ~Spotlight
Wine Relaxation and MY Kindle ~Review & Spotlight
Sept. 28 'APHRODITE'S WAR' by Donna Milward
The O'Raven Chronicles ~Spotlight and excerpt
Sept. 29 'APHRODITE'S WAR' by Donna Milward
Random Musesomy ~Spotlight
Sinful Review ~Review
Sept. 30 'APHRODITE'S WAR' by Donna Milward
Our New Generation for Reading ~Spotlight & Review
Oct. 1 'APHRODITE'S WAR' by Donna Milward
Tam's Two Cents ~Review & Authors top 10 Greek Gods
E.C. Hibbs ~Spotlight & Author Interview
Oct. 2 'AN UNDYING OATH' by HK Savage
Please don't feed the Mimsey~Spotlight & Guest Post
Oct. 3 'AN UNDYING OATH' by HK Savage
BookEnd 2 BookEnd ~Spotlight
Crystal & Sara ~Review & Spotlight
Oct. 4 'AN UNDYING OATH' by HK Savage
Wine Relaxation and MY Kindle ~Review & Spotlight
Oct. 5 'AN UNDYING OATH' by HK Savage
Random Musesomy ~Spotlight
Oct. 6 'AN UNDYING OATH' by HK Savage
Our New Generation for Reading ~Spotlight & Review
Sinful Review ~Review
Oct. 7 'AN UNDYING OATH' by HK Savage
Jacinta Maree ~Spotlight
Oct. 8 'AN UNDYING OATH' by HK Savage
Tam's Two Cents ~Review & Authors top 10
Oh My Shelves ~Spotlight
Oct.9 Pre-release tour 'THE GRAY GHOST INN' by Jay Mims
Wine Relaxation and MY Kindle ~Review & Spotlight
Oct.10 Prerelease tour 'THE GRAY GHOST INN' by Jay Mims
Jacinta Maree ~Spotlight
Becca Anne's Book Reviews ~Review & Character bio
Oct.11 Prerelease tour 'THE GRAY GHOST INN' by Jay Mims
BookEnd 2 BookEnd ~Spotlight & Top 10
Sinful Review ~Review
Oct.12 Prerelease tour 'THE GRAY GHOST INN' by Jay Mims
Random Musesomy ~Spotlight
Oh My Shelves ~Spotlight
Oct.13 Prerelease tour 'THE GRAY GHOST INN' by Jay Mims
Our New Generation for Reading ~Spotlight & Review
Oct.14 Prerelease tour 'THE GRAY GHOST INN' by Jay Mims
Tam's Two Cents ~Review & quirky mimsey post
Bookend 2 BookEnd
Tam's Two Cents
Jacinta Maree
Please don't feed the Mimsey
The O'Raven Chronicles
Oh My Shelves
Romance Bookworm's Reviews
Random Musesomy
Our New Generation For Reading
Wine Relaxation and MY Kindle
Becca Anne's Book Reviews
Sinful Review
Thanks for having us Tammy <3