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When I woke up all I could smell was bacon and it smelled delicious. I
was still naked so I jumped in the shower. I was finishing up when I heard Paisley walk in.
“Sweetheart breakfast is done.” I opened the shower door and shot
him a smile as I got out. “Put on something nice beautiful, I have a day planned for us.” As he walked
out I felt a huge smile go across my face, what could he have planned? I walked to my closet browsing
through all my new things. I looked up on the shelf at the cute little cowboy hat I had got a few days ago
when Harper and I went out. I grabbed my white knee length dress and brown belt with the big sliver
buckle that said country girl. I thought about how I had gone from a total city girl to all out country,
I loved it here. I put them on along with my cowboy hat, and boots. When I walked in the kitchen I'd
swear I needed to pick his jaw up off the floor.
“Am I to assume this will work?” I asked with a smile.
“Damn babe you look gorgeous,” he said as he wrapped his arms
around me. “I love you beautiful,” he said kissing my lips.
“I love you too sexy man,” I said with a wink. He had made a huge
breakfast, bacon, eggs, pancakes and hash browns. I grabbed a tiny bit of everything so I didn't hurt his
feelings and sat down to eat. We heard Harpers’ four-wheeler pull up. I greeted her at the door with a
huge hug.
“Happy birthday hun!”
“Thank you sweets!” I noticed a heart shaped pendent hanging from
her neck with beautiful green stones.
“Well what is that?” She smiled as she put her fingers up to touch it.
“It's my gift from Ryder. Isn’t it beautiful? The stones are my birthstone
I love it!” She said with a huge smile.
“Nice job Ryder,” I gave him a grin as he walked out the door.
“Well sweets we have to head out we’re running a bit behind already.
He's loading up the car now so we can get going. I walked over and gave Harper a huge hug.
“Have a blast hun and bring me back something pretty.” She gave me a
“Of course.” She gave Paisley a hug right before he shook Ryder's hand
and they laughed about something. As they drove off Paisley ran up behind me scooped me up and
headed to the house.
“A whole week just me and you, it's going to start now. Well after I
clean up breakfast,” he laughed.
“Well I will go up and do my makeup, you enjoy loading that dish
washer. I winked and took off upstairs.
The first thing Paisley took me to do was Graceland. I couldn't believe
it, it was amazing! Then we went to do some shopping. He picked out some super sexy lingerie for me
which I’m sure was his plan all along, but sometimes I think he secretly enjoys shopping as much as I do.
We went to eat at Morton's Steakhouse. It was delicious, had to be the best meal I've had in forever.
As we drove towards our next destination he put his hand in mine, looked over and gave me a huge
“Have you ever seen a country concert?” I nearly jumped out of my
“NO! Why are we going to one? Who is it?” He laughed leaned over
and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Luke Bryan”
“No freaking way!” I shouted nearly leaving the seat again.
“Yes way. Only one rule though.” I raised my eyebrow and tilted my
head a bit. “You gotta shake it for me country girl.” We both laughed.
“Of course I will”
When we got home we took a shower together, and made love twice.
I lay in bed with my head on his chest. “Paisley I could never thank you enough. You are so good to me
sometimes, I question if I deserve it.” He raised my chin with his fingers.
“Babe you deserve the world. I love you.” I let out a huge smile
“I love you too baby,” and kissed him with all the passion I had in my
My name
is Amber Fast I call West Virginia home. I have four amazing kiddos. Payten, Hannah, Landen &
Izabella. I married my best friend on 11/11/11. I have a passion for writing and singing. My first book
called "The Escape" was published on August 13th 2013. I am currently working on my second book
titled "The Million Dollar Affair" I read all different genres but I write Erotica Romance :)
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