In Liam’s Wake: The Makeshift Soldier
(Toys & Soldiers Series) By Ashlyn Forge

staggering debt, vengeful mutants and bounty hunters, Liam continues a
seemingly never-ending quest for a cure to end Riley’s unnatural five-year
sleep. Every night, Liam stares at the listless man who not only holds his
escape, but his heart. The suffering can end, however; Liam must only forsake
all hope of ever returning home again, abandon Riley to his fate, and
wholeheartedly serve as a soldier for The Colony—the very people he’s trying to
Live the
life within his reach, or continue chasing the one just beyond his grasp? He
need only submit.
Liam and
Riley were unwillingly brought to the Colony several years ago, and Liam has
been trying to find a way out for them ever since. He’s a gambler and a risk
taker, stubborn to a fault. All he cares about is Riley and getting back to the
Outside. He’s played along and completed his training to become Elite, a group
of soldiers that guard the Colony, but in a last ditch attempt to escape he
will risk everything. Will his gamble pay off? Or will he lose everything,
including Riley?
Forge has
created an intense, dark and complex world within the Colony. Liam splits his
time evenly between training, plotting escape and caring for his husband Riley
who has been in a coma for five years. Forge wrote a well defined character
that had you teetering between love and hate in Liam. He makes some crazy
stupid decisions and takes risks that will leave you screaming at him, but he
has a purpose. To protect the person he loves most, Riley.
A little
slow to start as the author built her worlds, and the flashbacks confused me
sometimes BUT they are a crucial part of the story. This book reads like a
movie where you wonder throughout what the hell is going on only to have that
ah ha! moment at the end. Forge’s writing style is still a little raw, but
unique. The weaving of the two worlds, the Outside and the Colony, coupled with
intriguing and diverse characters made for a great read in the end.
I have an
intense love for dystopian novels though, so I had to see where this story
went, and I’m glad I pushed through. What would you do under the impending
threat of losing the person you loved most? What wouldn’t you do to keep them?
That is the basis for this novel. Even though Liam is slightly psychotic in his
methods at times, his love for Riley jumps off the pages and leaves you rooting
for his risk to pay off. And I don’t think we got to see all of Riley in this
book, I can’t wait to see where his individual story goes in the next book.
I definitely
recommend you grab a copy of In Liam’s Wake if you are a fan of dystopian, m/m,
self acceptance and a quirky love story.
Ashlyn Forge spends most of her days self-editing, writing, and editing. Her love of storytelling, and the imagination in general, has put her in an on-and-off relationship with Writing for a number of years. She is particularly drawn to anything resulting in blurred lines between magic and science, as is evident in the surreal world of her Toys and Soldiers series. Her literary ambition in life is to see one, if not all, volumes of the Toys and Soldiers Series tucked neatly under everyone’s pillow. If it were not for the discordant jumble of ideas clamoring for attention in her head, she would also take up crocheting.
Social Links: Blog + Facebook + Twitter + Goodreads
** Interview with author Ashlyn Forge..
1. Where are you from, and where do you call home?
Unfortunately, I'm not from anywhere specific. And I say that because everyone can say they were born and raised in an area. I've moved around quite a bit growing up. I've lived on three different continents and I wish I could call one home. Home is wherever I am. Right now, I am in Japan.2. Tell us 3 things you can't live without.
My kids, my laptop, chocolate.
3. What inspires you to write?
Inspiration to write is not the issue, finding a reason NOT to write is a bigger concern. I write about what I see.
4. What research did you do for your story?
5. Why did you choose to write M/M?
I write what I like to read. I find men to be beautiful.
6. Who would you say has been the biggest inspiration in your life.
My mother.
7. If you could spend the day with one of your characters, who would it be? And why.
I would spend it with the imp King, because I'd want him to read my future.
8. What book are you currently reading?
Annah (Children of Evohe, Book 1) by Clay Gilbert
White OR Black
Day OR Night
Vampires OR Werewolves
- both are overdone. Ready for some aliens now.
Coke OR Pepsi
- Neither, both are food stuff and in no way benefit a person. water please.
Pen OR Pencil
- pencil (second chances)
Iron Man OR Thor
- this one is just cruel....gonna have to go with Thor, though Iron man is funnier, Thor looks like he'd be more fun in the bedroom.
- this one is just cruel....gonna have to go with Thor, though Iron man is funnier, Thor looks like he'd be more fun in the bedroom.
Coffee OR Tea
- coffee (a.k.a. writer heroine)
Ebook OR Hardback
- ebook, save the trees, by using harmful plastics instead :-/
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