Sallie Lundy Frommer, author of Yesterday's Daughter, is hosting an Indie Author event in December. Twelve different authors are providing new Holiday short stories and swag for giveaway.
You can visit Sallie's Books and More for the complete lineup and to enter the big giveaway with goodies from all twelve authors of December!
For my part in this event I have written an Opposites short story, Mistletoe and Mayhem. Let's see just what kind of trouble Aiyan and Kaden can get into during the Holiday celebrations at House Gaeland this year!!
** Warning, Opposites is an adult dystopian majorly m/m series **
and Mayhem
Opposites Xmas short
is the purpose of hanging these flowers from the ceiling again?” Kaden
questioned as he screwed another hook into the ceiling.
a Christmas tradition. Whoever you meet under the mistletoe, you get to kiss.”
Aiyan said smiling up at him, holding the basket that held the last bundle of
mistletoe in the bottom. “With every kiss you pull a berry off, and when all
the berries are gone, so are the kisses.”
snorted, “Like I need a flower hanging over my head as incentive to kiss you.”
He stepped back down the ladder to reach for the last bundle, but Aiyan pulled
the basket back at the last second. He leaned up on his tiptoes as Kaden met
him half way, their lips barely brushing.
the love of God, do you two EVER stop?!” Aiya shouted at them as she rounded
the corner and walked right past them on her way to the kitchen.
Aiyan shouted back, at the same time Kaden yelled, “Never!”
reached down and snatched the bundle of mistletoe, climbing back up the ladder
and successfully hanging it on the ceiling of the library entry. He took one
step back just as Aiyan took a step up. Aiyan slowly ran his hands up Kaden's
back, down his arms, around his hips and finally up along his chest. He gently
dug his fingers into Kaden’s chest, pulling him back toward his own chest.
don’t.” Kaden protested when Aiyan unbuttoned his top button.
placed one finger over Kaden’s lips and whispered, “Shhhhhh.” in his husband’s
ear. Aiyan had one arm wrapped around Kaden’s chest as he used his other hand
to move the material of Kaden’s shirt off his shoulder. He stepped up to the
same step Kaden stood on, placing his feet on either side of Kaden’s. Aiyan
leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Kaden’s bare shoulder, then ran his lips
up over his collar bone, tracing a path up the side of Kaden’s neck to his ear.
hissed as Aiyan bit down on his ear lobe, just as a crack reverberated in the
hall around them. Aiyan hit the ground landing hard on his ass with Kaden
landing on top of him. Their combined weight on one step of the ladder was too
much, and the wood had cracked in protest.
was shaking and it freaked Aiyan out, he leaned up quickly and wrapped both
arms around him protectively. “Are you okay?” he asked just as Kaden laughed
out loud, almost hysterically. Kaden turned around so he was straddling him,
Aiyan could see he was trying to say something, but he couldn’t control his
laughter long enough to utter one syllable. Aiyan couldn’t find it in him to be
upset, the hilarity of their predicament was obvious so he laughed along with
his husband.
you kidding me?!” Aiyan cringed before slowly turning his head, looking up into
his mother’s pissed off face. Maya was livid standing there in the hallway
ranting and raving, arms flying around. Aiyan knew he should duck and run but
the absolute hilarity of it all got the better of him and he started laughing again.
eyes grew wide as saucers and Aiyan swore she stopped breathing before she
turned on her heel marching back down the hall screaming for Rian at the top of
her lungs.
stood then helped Aiyan to his feet before climbing back up the ladder, using
the remaining top steps, and snatched the mistletoe off the ceiling. Aiyan eyed
him questioningly when Kaden stood in front of him again. “Let’s go tear off
some berries.” Kaden said before turning and sprinting down the hall toward
their room, with Aiyan right behind him.
I hope you all enjoyed my little short story with Aiyan and Kaden and their Mistletoe kiss!!
Be sure to enter my giveaway at the end of this post, and head over to Sallie's Books and More to enter the huge giveaway with goodies from All twelve authors of December!!

In the year 2081 our planet survived global warming of an apocalyptic scale. When the dust settled and the water receded Dr. Anthony Smith, one of only a few hundred survivors of GWI, started society anew. Having come to the conclusion that injudicious breeding played a huge role in the destruction of Earth as we knew it in the twenty first century, he worked closely with other survivors to isolate the Dionysus gene. This gene has the ability to manipulate human DNA to ensure that all male children be born gay, and all female children be born lesbians. A new society is born.
In the year 2300 Dr. Smith’s descendants are ushering in the twenty fourth century having maintained control of the government that still rules society. Twins Aiya and Aiyan are preparing to meet their matches and take control of House Gaeland, the current ruling House. But not everything is as it seems.
Love is Love.. it knows no gender and doesn’t conform to restrictions and boundaries. Aiyan has found his soul mate in Kaden, the prince of House Devi that he is matched with and eventually marries. But when the person Aiya falls in love with tests the boundaries put in place after GWI, all hell breaks loose. And in the midst of one secret unraveling, another will emerge. There is a growing anomaly that threatens to destroy over two hundred years of progression. This anomaly is known as Opposites.
*WARNING* Opposites is a majorly M/M New Adult novel that contains explicit sexual content and relationships between gay, lesbian and straight couples

Three gay couples run amuck in this short story where clothing, beds, even four walls are all optional!
Want to know what happened that night in the library?
Cirian and Rian had a fight in the library and Rian ends up naked on the desk, on his back, at Cirian's mercy.
Want to know how far things went with ice cream?
A romantic evening by the fire feeding his husband ice cream leads to a lot more than heavy petting for Aiyan and Kaden.
Want to know what was going on when those birds fled?
Travelling hundreds of miles, battling the rebels and then travelling back to House Gaeland will take it out of you. But when Tanis wants something, he takes it. Raven is about to be bent over a tree!
A Note from the Author: I've taken three scenes from Opposites that were cut short and elaborated on the shenanigans that ensued. I also focused more in the beginning on the relationship between Cirian and Rian, to give readers a chance to know them and their inner workings better.
**Warning, The Library is a novella set in the same world as Opposites. It's an adult dystopian M/M novella that includes consenting and explicit sexual relationships between gay couples**
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