- Title: Double
- Author: Susan
Mac Nicol
- Publisher: Boroughs
Publishing Group
- Release
Date: 25th March, 2014
- Genre: M/M
Paranormal Romance

In modern London there lurks a warlock, Quinn
Fairmont. Dangerous, powerful, tortured, sharing his body with the soul of an
ancient Welsh sorcerer, Quinn is never alone—and never wholly himself. He
fights against all those who would exploit his kind. He takes pleasure where he
can find it.
In the forest of Hampstead Heath, Quinn’s hometown,
Cade Mairston appears to him like a waking dream. Lithe, lean and silver-eyed,
he evokes feelings in Quinn unlike any other: lust with true affection,
immediate and shocking. Cade is clearly more than he seems. And yet, if a man
of the world, Cade is innocent. He knows nothing of warlocks, witchfinders or
Withinners. He knows nothing of what he is, what he might be, or what he might
feel. For him, the story is just beginning. Magyck, peril and passion await.
Praise for Double Alchemy
“I love Paranormal
stories & I'm a huge fan of Susan Mac Nicol's M/M books. In this book, she
brings both genres together & gives us this amazing story. With her master
storytelling, she takes us into the mystical & magical world of Witches,
Warlocks, Withinners & Feys. A world where danger lurks in the shadows.”
- Maria Recchia
stayed up all night reading this story. Susan has a way of writing that is
different than anyone else. She's uniquely brilliant at weaving a tale that
brings out my emotions. I have laughed in every one of her stories. That's
incredible for me. Not just a smile, but a laugh. I love that. This book needs
to be read. You won’t be disappointed.” - Author Kindle
Praise for Susan Mac Nicol
"We have to re-iterate that this Author
will always be an automatic one-click for us. Her writing is flawless and her
flawed characters are completely lovable. There’s always something quirky and
fun in her stories as well as drama, angst and heaps of passion! We can highly
recommend!!" - Gitte & Jenny - Totally Booked Blog
"Susan has been hailed as a genius writer of
male/male literature. Her Saving Alexander has been nominated for
several awards and has been reviewed widely. Congrats on all your success,
Susan. You have earned it." - Gay Lit Authors
Review by Cat of MM Good Book Reviewers...
This story is full of intriguing characters, both male and female, witches, warlocks, and more. There were also fine lines between good and evil, which I really liked a lot. Almost every character had a good side ad a bit of bad also. I loved this because it made all the characters so realistic, since none of us are perfect. Don’t get me wrong there were some pure evil characters as well. The balance of good and evil was fantastic and kept you on the edge of your seat. The Warlocks had a Withinner, which is another type of warlock or Magical being. I would have liked a bit more information on this but, I loved this take on a familiar. I will admit at first it got a bit confusing since Quinn spoke to his Withinner, or he spoke to Quinn was in italics. Also Quinn and Cade’s thoughts were in Italics and at times especially early in the story I was a bit confused as to who was speaking. As the story progresses I got used to the switches though.
Head over to MM Good Book Reviews to see this review in its entirety, along with a guest post from Author Susan MacNichol on Promoting Yourself as an Author.
This story is full of intriguing characters, both male and female, witches, warlocks, and more. There were also fine lines between good and evil, which I really liked a lot. Almost every character had a good side ad a bit of bad also. I loved this because it made all the characters so realistic, since none of us are perfect. Don’t get me wrong there were some pure evil characters as well. The balance of good and evil was fantastic and kept you on the edge of your seat. The Warlocks had a Withinner, which is another type of warlock or Magical being. I would have liked a bit more information on this but, I loved this take on a familiar. I will admit at first it got a bit confusing since Quinn spoke to his Withinner, or he spoke to Quinn was in italics. Also Quinn and Cade’s thoughts were in Italics and at times especially early in the story I was a bit confused as to who was speaking. As the story progresses I got used to the switches though.
Head over to MM Good Book Reviews to see this review in its entirety, along with a guest post from Author Susan MacNichol on Promoting Yourself as an Author.

Sue has written since she was very young, and never
thought she would see herself becoming a Romance writer, being a
horror/psychological thriller reader all her life. But the Romance genre is now
something very close to her heart and she intends
continuing the trend.
Sue is a member of the Romance Writers of America
and the Romantic Novelists Association here in the UK.
Susan Mac Nicol is also author of The Magick of Christmas, Confounding Cupid, Cassandra by Starlight, Together in Starlight, Stripped Bare, Saving Alexander, Worth Keeping and Waiting for Rain.
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Guest Post with Author Susan MacNichol...
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Guest Post with Author Susan MacNichol...
Alien Abduction
Why is it that every film or TV series you
see, the aliens are normally out to get us. I only have to cite TV series like
Falling Skies, Dark Skies, V and Invasion coupled with films like Independence
Day, Signs, War of the Worlds, Battlestar Galactica, even Transformers to some
extent. In all these films the little guys from Outer Space are portrayed as
evil, shape shifting, techno driven and soul sucking baddies out to rid Earth
of its human species and render the planet extinct from human life.
Do we really think that the only alien out
there is a bad alien and that their mission in life is to destroy life as we
know it so they can take our planet, our resources and make it their own? I’m
sure if these chaps can exist out there in the back of beyond and build super
spaceships capable of getting to earth and moving around the universe, they
might need to get a little more credit than we give them.
I for one would love to see a few more
movies where the aliens come down to give us a hand and perhaps point out once
again the error of our ways in polluting our planet, waging wars, engaging in
discrimination of any kind, judging each other on the merits of colour,
religion, beliefs or sexual preference and various other human traits that have
become so commonplace yet so acceptable. Sometimes I think maybe the world
should start again. That perhaps we should wipe the slate clean, get Mother
Earth alone again to begin the process of creating life and sustaining it, so
that we may become more tolerant of her, the world and the universe around us.
And if we had the help of some friendly, compassionate outer space dudes to do
that, I say that’s a bonus.
Imagine if we could trade on their years of
knowledge and progress, their technology and their wisdom. Of course, I’m sure
not all is hunky dory on their own planets either, I bet they have their own
trials and tribulations to face. But I’d be really interested in hearing you
point of view on this and whether you think if we saw aliens down here on
earth, they’d be Friend or Foe.
And just to tempt you to watch yet more TV
Grab your copy of Double Alchemy from the following retailers
Amazon | Amazon UK | Boroughs | Smashwords | ARe
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