Young and idealistic, Jon and Dave meet by chance, their friendship growing stronger and leading them to a place neither has been before. Though theirs is a love forbidden, which few understand, they journey across the country together and settle in San Francisco, where they are finally free to be together as they were meant to be. When life takes an unexpected turn, however, the two young lovers are torn apart by a secret which, if unveiled, threatens to bring great shame to the family of one determined to keep them on the straight and narrow.
We were lying in bed, deep beneath the blankets, cuddling and watching the secondhand TV with the bent rabbit ears we had rescued from the trash.
“Come here.”
He kissed me deeply and passionately as we held each other tightly.
We were a part of each other. Somewhere along the way we had become one.
“Have you ever felt this way before?” I asked.
“No. I’ve been in love before, but never like this.”
“Me either,” I said.
He lay there next to me, staring into my eyes. We fell asleep in each other’s arms. They were the happiest days of my life, being so young and alive and free, and helplessly in love with Jon.
“C’mon Jon, I saw you two in the van.”
“We were just playing around.”
“Kissing each other? Is that what you call playing around?” she continued. “Is that what you did all summer?” she said beginning to cry, “You were…like that?”
Eventually Jon spoke, “We were going to tell you...”
“Are you crazy? Is that what you want, everyone calling you a queer, a faggot?”
“It’s not like that, Mrs. Sharp…we love each other.”
“You can’t love each other like that, Jon. It’s sick. You’ll both burn in hell. You know his father will disown him. It will kill him to think he has a son like that. Would you tell your father if he were still alive?”
He wasn’t sure. He was beginning to cry as well.
“It will destroy both of you, and it will ruin your lives forever.” She continued, “If you really love him Jon, you won’t do this. You can still be friends, just not like that.”
“But I don’t have anyone left. I don’t have anywhere to go.”

Grab your copy of The Cove ATM through Amazon for just 99 cents!
What inspires me to write?
Personnel satisfaction. I enjoy getting lost in my writing
as I try to weave a believable story.
For those not familiar with your book, The
Cove, could you share a few details?
It’s a love story. It’s also about growing up and coming to
terms with why we do the things we do.
Jon and Dave meet by chance, and as they become best friends
they realize what they share is beyond friendship. It’s also about the secret
that they both supposed they would never share. The story spans several decades
and it explores their relationship and the things that keep them close, and
those things that they cannot change.
~ Why did you chose to write in the M/M genre?
It chose me! I started
out writing The Cove merely reflecting on my past. Eventually it took on a life
of its own.
~ Do you have a routine or ritual when you're writing?
I prefer to write outside sitting on the patio by the pond,
but on those dark and rainy days I tend to concentrate on the melancholy
~ Are there any other books or a sequel in the works?
My publisher will have my second novel shortly, it’s titled
‘Seduction In Red’. It’s not related to ‘The Cove’.
Fun Stuff!
~ Black or White
I used to see life in black or white, but now I realize that
life is shades of grey.
~ Day or Night
I’m an early morning person. I love the solitude of being
the only one up and being able to reflect quietly alone.
~ Coffee or Tea
Coffee, it’s my preference. No idea why.
~ Pen or Pencil
A pencil, of course. We all make mistakes, and that’s why
god put erasers on the ends of them.
~ E-reader or Print
I like to cozy up with a book, there are some positions that
an e-reader just doesn’t work.
~ Theater or DVD
I’d prefer to be outdoors doing anything fun and I’m not
much into watching TV. Besides a great movie was meant to be seen at the
~ Rock or Country
You’ll usually find me writing to old 60’s rock. They just
don’t write songs like that anymore.
Thank you so much DT Peterson for stopping by the blog today and answering a few questions. Be sure to enter the giveaway below for a chance to win an ebook copy of The Cove.
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