Growing up in San Francisco’s Centrist Movement, sixteen year-old Autumn Grace has always believed emotions—adrenaline, endorphins, even happiness—drain your Essence and lead to an early death. But her younger brother’s passing and a run-in with a group of Outsiders casts her faith into question.
Ryder Stone, the sexy, rebellious leader of the Outsiders, claims Essence drain is nothing more than a Centrist scare tactic — and he can prove it.
Autumn follows Ryder to his Community of adrenaline junkies and free spirits in Yosemite National Park, and they introduce her to a life of adventure, romance, sex, drugs and freedom. But as she discovers dark secrets beneath the Community’s perfect exterior, she realizes the more she risks in search of the perfect rush, the further she has to fall.

Excerpt from Essence...
Ryder took a few moments to show me
our gear—a much less complicated assortment than what Trey and Adrian used to
rock climb.
“Okay, let’s get terminology straight first. This”—he said,
motioning to the coiled rope at his feet—“is called webbing. It’s made of
nylon, and it’s weaved to be flat, almost like a seatbelt. Even when it’s
pulled tight, it’s still pretty springy; that’s why it always jumps around when
you walk. Different from the old tightropes of circus days.”
He picked up three D-shaped metal clasps. “These are called
carabiners; we’ll use them to secure the webbing between trees.” Chuckling at
my head nod, he said, “There are tons of ways to string a slackline, but the
easiest is what we’re gonna do today.
See two trees you like?”
“For starters, you wanna look for two trees about 20 feet
apart. Strong ones. In a nice flat place where the ground isn’t too rocky. See
any trees like that?”
I pointed to two pines, and he nodded. “Perfect.”
He picked up the webbing and a few large sticks. “Wanna help
me wrap ‘em? We’re gonna want the line to be low, maybe even with your
He instructed me to hold the sticks vertically against one
of the tree’s trunks while he wrapped the webbing around it. Once the webbing
was secured by a carabiner, we stretched the remaining length across the
clearing and secured the other end to the second tree. I cushioned its loop
with a few more sticks while Ryder wrapped it, and then we took turns pulling
it tight with the second and third carabiners.
When the slackline was officially ready, Ryder instructed me
to take off my shoes. “You gotta feel the webbing, Red,” he said, kicking his
own pair into the dirt. “Every tiny vibration; every little inconsistency and
flicker. You gotta know that webbing better than you’ve ever known anything in
your entire life. Can’t fake it, or you’ll fall.”
I smiled at the intense way he scrutinized me while I took
off my own shoes. “Got cute feet, Red,” he said and planted a quick kiss on my
“You wanna take your time standing up,” he continued, coming
to stand beside the webbing. He placed his right foot on it—like Shayla had
during moonbows—and then he stood still for a moment, eyes focused forward.
“See how I’m not just popping up to stand? Taking a moment to
feel the webbing and gather my thoughts before I start. Gotta clear all that
shit out before you get up. Just… whoosh. You know?”
He closed his eyes. Tension seemed to drain from his face,
and then… Whoosh. One quick exhale, and he was standing.
He was… beautiful. Of all the words in the world, it was the
one that jumped to my mind first. In an instant, I knew it was the right one.
Gone was the Ryder I thought I knew—the Ryder that smoked
cigarettes and swaggered and laughed and flirted with me. Gone was the guy I
met in Golden Gate Park, the guy who skinny-dipped on top of Vernal Falls and
kissed me on the Housekeeping Camp bridge.
In his place was this man—this laser-focused, intense and
centered man. His expression was calm, and his eyes never left the slackline as
he took one step, then two steps, then three steps forward. His arms, held
outward from his sides, swayed slightly as he corrected his balance, and his
movements were fluid and graceful as a cat’s.
Desire swept through me at the memory of those arms wrapped
around me, and I felt pride swell inside me as well. Ryder thinks I’m capable
of doing this, too.
In several short steps, he made it to the other side. As he
turned to face me, his face melted into a grin. “Ta da!” he said. “And that’s
all there is to it. Ready to give it a try?”
I’ll admit it; I was smug. Ryder made slacklining look so
easy that I was certain I’d be up and strutting around on that thing in no
As he jumped down and motioned for me to begin, I approached
the slackline and mimicked his opening stance: right foot elevated and parallel
to the webbing, left foot solid on the ground. The position was a little harder
than I expected, but I blamed that on how much longer Ryder’s legs were than
I stood very still for a moment, and then I attempted to
straighten my right leg, just as he had. That’s when things started to fall
It’s apparently really hard to lift your entire body with
only the strength of your thigh to support you. And apparently my thigh wasn’t
up to snuff, because my body barely budged. I popped up about three inches, and
then I felt my leg collapse beneath me. My knee buckled, and then I was back on
the ground.
My face burned, but when I looked in shock at Ryder, he did
his best to control his smirk. “No worries, Red. It’s crazy hard at first. Your
muscles’ll build in time, but standing up is one of the hardest parts. Why
don’t you try again, and I’ll give you a boost if you need it?”
I returned my attention to the webbing, but my leg collapsed
the second time as well.
“It’s okay,” he said. “Let’s see what a little help does for
you.” Coming to stand at my side, he instructed, “Put your left arm on my
shoulder. And then push up when you’re ready to straighten your leg.”
I nodded, but the nearness of his body flustered me. When I
straightened my leg and tried to stand, the webbing vibrated, and I tumbled
sideways into his arms.
“Can’t you just hold my hand and lead me?” I asked,
frustration edging into my voice.
“Can’t do it, Red.” He gently deposited me back to the
ground. “And you shouldn’t hold onto my shoulder when you get on your feet,
either. It’s a crutch, and it’ll hold you back. Gotta find your own balance,
you know?”
I must have frowned, because he chuckled and flicked my
nose. “You’re cute when you’re pissed off. You know that?” Turning to pat the
slackline, he continued, “The thing about this is, it’s not a party trick. It’s
a tool; it makes you find your center. Makes you push everything out of your
held and focus on only one thing. If you get unfocused, you start to wobble.
And if you start to wobble, you start to fall. End of story.”
He slouched against the nearest tree. “Remember your
Centrist meditation exercises? All that aura-smoothing shit? Well, that’s crap
meditation; not the real thing at all. But in order to get those auras
smoothed, you had to quiet your mind. Slacklining’s like that, but now you
gotta concentrate on your physical self as well as your mental self. What’s
your body doing? Where’s your gaze? How does that webbing feel beneath your
He smiled. “Don’t rush into walking this time. Just push up
and balance on one foot. See how long it takes to find your center. When you
find it, start walking.”
I nodded. Turning back to the slackline, I propped my right
foot on the webbing and grabbed Ryder’s shoulder for balance.
I concentrated on the feeling of my breath as it left my
lungs, on the slow relaxing of my face as I breathed in again. From somewhere
to our right, I could hear Trey and Adrian laughing, but soon their voices
faded a little. The sun felt hot against the top of my head, but the rest of my
body felt cool. Sharp. Focused.
Instead of bolting to a standing position like before, I
straightened my right leg slowly. The webbing jerked again, and I could feel
the muscles in my thigh quivering, but I didn’t give up this time. Instead, I
extended my arms like he had, and I took a moment to catch my balance.
Whoosh. My breath felt like it weighed a thousand pounds as
it left my lungs. And then, whoosh, another breath back in.
My eyes drilled into the slackline and began to burn, but I
didn’t look away. I’m not even sure if I blinked, and the jerking of my arms
slowly subsided as my body began to find its center.
The feeling was new. A slow melting and reformulating of my
insides that startled me so much that I jerked sideways to see if Ryder was
watching. The movement sent vibrations humming through the line again. Within
seconds, I was falling.
I managed to land on my feet this time. When I straightened,
I didn’t feel frustrated or antsy like I had before. Instead, I felt energized.
And determined. And a tiny bit fixated. Someday, I would be able to do this.
“I want to try again.”
Lisa Ann O’Kane is a young adult author and former vagabond who once camped out in Yosemite National Park for an entire summer, an experience that inspired her debut novel ESSENCE.
Her background is in zookeeping and environmental education, and she has been kicked, cornered, bitten and chased by nearly every animal she has ever loved. She currently resides in Florida, and she is now a huge fan of shooting stars, indoor plumbing and keeping both her feet planted firmly on the trail.

And now author Lisa O'Kane shares her playlist with us...
ESSENCE was inspired by the summer I spent living and
working in Yosemite National Park, so it’s only natural the first song on my
playlist would be a song I played on repeat while I lived there. Nick Drake’s
music is so introspective and meandering, and this song will always remind me
of the awe I felt waking up in that beautiful place day after day.

And now author Lisa O'Kane shares her playlist with us...
I wrote the first draft of ESSENCE in four and a half months
during the winter of 2011-2012. This was less than half the time it took me to
write my first (shelved) novel, so I certainly felt possessed for a little
while there. I also felt inspired by pretty much every song I heard. This
resulted in an ESSENCE playlist that still gives me that electric feeling every
time I listen to it. I hope you like it!
1. “Northern Sky” by Nick Drake
I never felt magic crazy as this
I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea
I never held emotion in the palm of my hand
Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree
But now you're here
Brighten my northern sky.
2. “Watching You Watch Him” by Eric Hutchinson
I love you
From the bottom of my heart
And that's not gonna change
But things look grim
When I am watching you watch him.
The love triangle in ESSENCE is purposefully underplayed. I
expect readers to know who Autumn is going to choose from pretty much the
beginning—as one boy never really stood a chance. Here is that boy’s ode to
Autumn as he watched her fall for someone else.
3. “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers
So show me family
All the blood that I would bleed
I don't know where I belong
I don't know where I went wrong
But I can write a song.
I belong with you,
You belong with me,
You're my sweetheart.
The boy Autumn chooses is certainly no saint, so it’s only
fitting his love song to her would include pieces of his imperfections. I think
this song by The Lumineers sums him up so perfectly, and I must have listened
to it at least fifty times while writing ESSENCE.
4. “Little Talks” by Of Monsters and Men
Don't listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same
Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.
Deception is at the heart of ESSENCE, so this song was
particularly important to me while I wrote the second half of the book. I
especially love the fact that “Little Talks” is a duet, and the creaking ship
in the song’s background still gives me goosebumps.
Seen a shooting star tonight slip away
Tomorrow will be another day
Guess it's too late to say the things to you
That you needed to hear me say
Seen a shooting star tonight slip away.
One of my favorite things about being an author is the
opportunity to explore the various ways people crash into and out of each
other’s lives. We are such passionate creatures that our arrivals and
departures often resonate long after our paths are no longer entwined. The
rawness of this and the poignancy of this song mesh together perfectly for me,
making this a fitting way to close out my ESSENCE soundtrack.
I hope you enjoyed my ESSENCE playlist, and thanks so much
for stopping by. Have a wonderful day!
And thank you to Lisa for coming over to TTC today! Until next time...
1 Winner will receive an E-Copy of ESSENCE, a Vintage Yosemite Map Pendant, Two collectible ESSENCE Buttons and a Metal Cuff.
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