Sergeant Corbin 'Syn' Sydney transferred from the Philadelphia Police Department as soon as he'd heard there was going to be an opening on Lieutenant Cashel Godfrey and Lieutenant Leonidis Day's Atlanta Narcotics Task Force. Syn’s primary goal in his life has been to be a great cop. There has been no time for relationships, romance, or especially love.
Syn was dedicated to his new force, focused and ready to back up God and Day as their third in command, but what he wasn't ready for was the feelings he got from seeing the love they had for each other.
Syn's all prepared to accept his lonely fate until he walks into a small pub and meets long-haired,
tattooed, bartender, Furious Barkley. Before he can even understand why, Syn's feeling things he barely recognizes: passion, yearning, cravings; and if the dark, lustful gazes are anything to go by, Furious might be feeling the same things for him.
Corbin Sydney, Syn, has just transferred
from Philadelphia to Atlanta as the third in command of the elite narcotics
unit in Atlanta that is headed up by Day and God, two bad ass cops that are
partners both at work and at home. Syn has always kept his sexuality a secret,
not fully admitting his preference to men even to himself, so he’s slightly
shocked with how open the gay men on his new team are. But above all else they
are friends, family and loyal, actually protective of each other.
Furious Barkley, Furi, is a bartender
slash amateur porn star slash student that has been working his ass of
scrimping and saving to open his own Auto shop with his best friend. He escaped
an abusive husband and moved to start a new life, but the mental and physical
scars are forever etched on his body and mind. He doesn’t trust easily,
especially the tall, dark and handsome cop that has taken a shine to him.
It will take a lot of tender love and
care for Syn to prove to Furi that he’s not going to hurt him. And Syn’s
inexperience and inability to communicate threatens the relationship before it
really even gets wings. But the attraction and chemistry cannot be denied. Syn
is determined to make Furi his, but he is adamant to protect him as well. Not
only from his psycho soon to be ex husband, but from the deranged killer that
is taking out Furi’s fellow porn site co-workers.
While Syn, God, Day and the rest of the
task force are trying to take down the killers that are passing off tainted
drugs as well... Furi tries to live his life, refusing to constantly look over
his shoulder, and driving Syn crazy with his brazen attitude about his safety.
Action packed and full of suspense, this
book kept me enthralled from start to finish. I loved the push and pull between
the characters, and how Via balanced two dominate alpha male personalities by
giving them each their own definitive role in the relationship. Syn is a bad
ass brooding cop who takes charge at work and on the streets, but at home, in
the bedroom, now that is Furi’s domain.
I also enjoyed that there was a constant
mystery about who exactly was behind all the bad things that were surrounding
Furi at any given moment. I was kept guessing for a while there with some great
twists and turns. And it’s always a pleasure to see God and Day in action, that
power couple mixed with Ro and Johnson and there is always some snarky comic
relief to be had.
Via is finding her footing in the M/M
world in some very snazzy, sexy comfortable shoes! She’s very talented when it
comes to multiple character storylines, while keeping a valid story going
throughout. And she is not afraid to write stories for multiple partners
either. I hope her next work is for Ro and Johnson, I really want to see more
of them. And since they are kind of, sort of an extension of God and Day in the
bedroom, we would assuredly see more of that power couple as well.
I highly recommend this read, and while
it can stand on its own, I think you would enjoy this world Via has built more
if you read the books in order. 1)You Can See Me 2) Nothing Special 3)
Embracing His Syn... the same characters are present in all three stories thus
far. If you like strong alpha males, cop stories, suspense, intrigue and some
toe curling sex... this is definitely an author you’ll enjoy!
Excerpt from Embracing His Syn...
Furi stepped in closer to him and Syn fought his reflex to take a step back. Furi grabbed his wrist and moved him quickly through the customers waiting for the bathrooms and pushed open the back door that led to the parking lot.
Furi stepped in closer to him and Syn fought his reflex to take a step back. Furi grabbed his wrist and moved him quickly through the customers waiting for the bathrooms and pushed open the back door that led to the parking lot.
Syn quickly took in his
surroundings before focusing back on Furi.
“What’s wrong, why’d
you bring me back here?”
“What’s your angle,
Detective? Why are you lingering around my job and offering me rides, huh?”
Furi forced those questions through gritted teeth.
“Why are you angry?
It’s just a ride. I was trying to be nice,” Syn said with little conviction,
while avoiding answering Furi’s questions. He didn’t have an angle and he
wasn’t sure why he was drawn to him. He just wanted to be around this guy, if
for nothing else then to at least be friends.
Furi narrowed his eyes
again and stepped into Syn’s space. “Are you gay, Detective?”
There it was. The
million-dollar question. Was he gay? He’d never asked himself that. He’d only
slept with women before, but had never felt anything more for them than an easy
friends-with-benefits involvement. Rhodes was the only person that he’d ever
felt a connection with. A man. Syn felt his mouth move, but no sound was coming
out. Fuck.
Furi looked at him
skeptically. “Uh huh. Just like I thought. Who are you working for? Him. He
send you? Did he hire you to find me? Are you a private detective?”
That accusation cut
through Syn's speechlessness. “Whoa. I work for the city of Atlanta. What are
you talking about? Who is him? Is
someone after you?” Syn didn’t realize he’d grabbed Furi’s shoulders, forcing
him to look into his eyes until Furi threw his arms up and dislodged Syn’s
“Take your goddamn hands
off of me! I’m sick of people thinking they can put their fucking hands on me!
Stay the fuck away from me, Detective.” Furi shoved past him and reached for
the door.
Syn jumped in front of
it before Furi could get it open. He yelled right back at Furi, “My name is
Syn! I’m not here as a Detective! I don’t know who him is, nor do I work for him.”
Syn put up air quotes for the word him. “I just wanted to talk to you!”
“About what?” Furi
yelled. They were in each other’s faces, chest bumping each other.
“I don’t fucking know!
About you. About me. About the damn Falcons' game last week. About the weather.
About why there’s so many goddamn reality TV shows. About what-the-hell-ever!
That’s what people do when they want to get to know someone!” Syn stepped back
and gripped his hair blowing out a long frustrated breath. He felt so
ridiculous, was so annoyed that he was seconds away from just walking away.
“Fuck! I didn’t think dating was this damn hard.”
“That’s what you’re
trying to do, Detective? Date me?” Furi’s tone and facial expression were full
of skepticism. “Because I don’t want to date. Dating is stupid. What the hell
is dating anyway? Some long drawn out process of elimination where you both
present your best side while hiding the real you, and you can only keep that
charade going for about three months because your bullshit and lies eventually
leak out and then you have to spend the next three months getting to know each
other for real.”
“Geez, man, you are
insanely cynical. Do you always over-analyze everything? Why can’t we just–”
Furi cut him off,
“Because. I’m only interested in gay men. Not men that might or might not be
gay, or men that are looking for an experiment, or men that are fucked up in
the head. I’ve been there. Done that, I’m never going there again. It almost
cost me my li–”
Syn turned at Furi’s
words. He walked back to him slowly. He could see pain in Furi’s eyes and Syn
wanted to take it all away. Take all the hurt this man had experienced, and put
it on himself, because he could handle it. All he wanted was to see Furi smile,
see him uninhibited, full of passion. Full of him. Syn just barely held in his
groan. He wanted this damn man. God help him, he did. He let out a slow calming
breath and brought his hands up to cup Furi’s cheeks. He wanted to kiss him.
Taste him. Feel Furi moan his name into his mouth and swallow it down. Fuck, he
wanted that and so much more. Furi was looking hard at him, waiting. His eyes
roamed Syn’s face before settling on his lips. Syn needed this; all he had to
do was take it. Take it goddamnit.
Furi took it for him. Syn felt confident, sure hands on his
own cheeks and soft, beautiful lips against his. Furi took Syn’s control. He
knocked his hands down and grabbed the material of his jean jacket, pushing him
up against the wall right there behind the pub, and then those lush lips were
on him again. Taking him. Syn’s eyes were rolling behind his closed lids. Fuck,
it felt so good. He could’ve never imagined how good.
When she’s not clicking away at her laptop, A.E. owns and operates a very successful paralegal-for-hire business and in her spare time, she devotes herself to her family – a husband and four children – her two pets, a Maltese dog and her white Siamese cat, ELynn, named after the late great gay romance author ELynn Harris.
While Blue Moon is her first novel, she has plenty more to come...so sit back and grab a cool drink, because the male on male action is just heating up!
Go to A.E. Via’s official website www.authoraevia.com for more detailed information and free reads.
Author links: Website | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook | Amazon | Merchandise
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