~ Sights and Sinners - Book Two in The Men Of London series ~

From Charing Cross to Waterloo, there’s no escaping love.
28-year-old Draven Samuels has a tragic past, but as an investigator with a high-profile London company he now gets what he wants. Tough, sarcastic, and sceptical, he has no patience for lies and even less for people who waste his time. Even if they’re as beautiful as the wild and dark-haired Taylor Abelard. Especially when they’re talking over the body of a murder victim.
Psychic Taylor Abelard is used to people calling him a freak. He can see past events and feel the ghostly vibrations of people close to him who've passed on. It’s why he doesn't get too close to the living. But this time, against his better judgment, despite Draven’s mocking rejoinders, Taylor will get closer than ever before. The mystery surrounding a dead friend will lead the two men down a dark and seedy trail of blackmail and lies. Add in the heartbreak of a family tragedy, and events lead them straight into each other’s arms. By the end of this night, all their demons will have risen—and been banished with the dawn.
Tams 4 Star review ******
Private Investigator Draven Samuels doesn't do the relationship thing. No, he's more of the wham, bam, thank you man kind of guy. He puts all his heart into his job and his brother who lies in a coma. It's made him hard and edgy. The last thing Draven wants is a man to have to worry about, those pesky feelings and that horrid word commitment. All that changes when he meets Taylor.
Taylor Abelard has spent his life in a bad dream on repeat. As a psychic he has visions that usually involve someone close to him getting hurt, sometimes even killed. The visions plague his every waking moment almost, even haunting his dreams. When one of his visions brings him face to face with the brash PI he worked with several years ago, the animosity between them is on full display. But underneath Taylor's anger and frustration, and Draven's inablity to believe in Taylor's ability, there is a white hot attraction that keeps drawing them to each other.
Both men will have to open up and allow another person into their heart, into their lives, they will have to learn to trust in one another which is damn near impossible. Both are stubborn, ill tempered, have a hair trigger and a sort of alpha male personality. They are both also passionate, tender, loving and insanely attracted to each other. The question is, can they find a balance where they can be happy without drawing blood or blowing the house up?
I loved the push and pull between the characters, their relationship bordering on volatile most of the time. I swear sometimes they fought just so they could have make up sex! Their personalities clashed a lot so it was interesting watching them grow and find a balance, learn how to communicate and trust in one another. At the start, I didn't much care for Draven, but by the end he had won me over but it took some serious groveling. Taylor though, I adored him from the start. He was this long, lean, larger than life bundle of pent up energy. Once he let's go of some of his pain and really, truly let's Draven in, it was amazing.
A couple hiccups along the way. I think the boundary was blurred between likable and hated Draven. He was dangerously close to me absolutely loathing him by the end. Maybe that could have been reigned in a bit. I wanted hangry sex! I'm talking hateful, angry, bed breaking, Taylor was walking crooked for a week, hangry sex. It was hinted at, but didn't quite get to that point. Overall though I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Fast paced, a lot of ups and downs, some suspense and a couple of passionate men that finally figure out they love each other just a tad bit more than they love to fight.
Now I'm off to read Suit Yourself, Leslie's story. I have a feeling I'm going to be up to my eyeballs in high heels, corsets, leather and lace in the near future. Stop by next week to see my review of book 3 in the Men of London series!

She is never happier than when sitting in the confines of her living room/study/on a cold station platform scribbling down words and making two men fall in love. She is a romantic at heart and believes that everything happens (for the most part) for a reason. She likes to think of herself as a 'half full' kinda gal, although sometimes that philosophy is sorely tested.
Lover of walks in the forest, theatre productions, dabbling her toes in the cold North Sea and the vibrant city of London where you can experience all four seasons in a day , she is a hater of pantomime (so please don't tar and feather her), duplicitous people, bigotry and self-righteous idiots.
In an ideal world, Susan Mac Nicol would be Queen of England and banish all the bad people to the Never Never Lands of Wherever -Who Cares. As that's never going to happen, she contents herself with writing her HEA stories and pretending, that just for a little while, good things happen to good people.
Susan Mac Nicol author links:
Susan is offering up ONE e-book from her backlist to THREE lucky winners!
Also, don't forget Susan is the Author of the Month here at TTC for June. Be sure to hop over to the AOTM feature page for all her author links as well as the links and blurb for all her MM books.
I have not read any of her books yet, but this is on my TBR because I love stories with detectives and psychics.