Title: Strength to Let Go
Series: Tales of the Werewolf Tribes, Book One
Author: Alina Popescu
Genre: gay romance, paranormal, werewolves, paranormal romance, supernatural
Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing
After being abandoned by his mates, Shiki Kirishima, beta of the Dragons of the Fang werewolf tribe, returns to his home in Tokyo.
Crippled by grief, Shiki decides to end it all by going into the territory of the Siberian Killers tribe and challenging them to a battle to the death.
His death.
Ganzorig, beta of the Siberian Killers, however, sees the potentially disastrous consequences of having Shiki die in battle.
Instead, he saves him.
Having suffered loss himself, Ganz takes it upon himself to help Shiki deal with his pain.
Blake, Shiki’s best friend since childhood, is as determined to show him there is life after a wolf’s ultimate loss.
Could there also be something ‘more’ for them after friendship?
Book Trailer
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My swords swished through the air, making sharp sounds as
they cut down thick branches. I glided in a tight circle, keeping the first
attackers at a safe distance and slicing through them, one at a time. My
muscles bulged and contracted, my grip changing as the blades danced around me,
and I could feel the cold trickle of sweat down my arms, chest, and back.
They quickly figured out that too many of them meant too
wide of a circle and they could not approach without poking each other’s eyes
out, so they switched to attacking two or three at a time. I smirked and
continued moving at the same pace, attacking just when they were counting on a
defensive move, trimming down their numbers. Swordplay wasn’t something anyone
but the Japanese practiced much these days. Everyone focused on close combat
and making do with whatever they found nearby. That was a great strategy for
times when you were surprised and needed to be confident in your victory. I
supposed one wolf mocking your rules qualified for that, unless said wolf was
The last group approached, anger and murderous thoughts
making their eyes burn. They had seen their pack-mates fall and I knew they
wanted to tear me to pieces. They were going to do just that eventually, but I
wasn’t planning on making it any easier for them. I wasn’t looking for an easy
out. What I wanted was one last stand, one more chance to be the samurai I’d
always seen myself as.
Fight many, die with honor. Like my parents had done
before me, I wanted to find my death on the battlefield. Sure, they hadn’t gone
looking for their untimely demise, but then again, they’d been together until
the moment they died. They’d only thought they’d have to face the world without
the other and did the craziest things they could in that short amount of time.
As the last one got wounded badly enough to cease the fight,
I placed each blade on one side and sat on the ground, my legs crossed in front
of me. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing, clearing my mind of the
battle I had just survived and focusing on the next one. The second wave was
getting closer, I felt it, and that some of them had already started shifting
to their human forms, trying to find the best potential weapons, just like
their tribe mates before them.
Not all the wolves that had been in the first attack had
died. Some were just wounded and I saw them crawling away, dragging their
bodies over the unfriendly terrain and away from me. If they had any brains,
they’d use whatever energy they had to shift. It would still hurt like a bitch,
but the wounds would heal faster. They might even get their chance at revenge
before the fight was over.
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Writer, traveler, and coffee addict, Alina Popescu has been in love with books all her life. She started writing when she was ten and she has always been drawn to sci-fi, fantasy, and the supernatural realm. Born and raised in Romania, she finds her inspiration in books of all genres, in movies, and the occasional manga comic book. She is a proud geek who needs her fast Internet and gadgets more than she needs air.
Social Links
Site & Blog: http://alina-popescu.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/alina_popescu
Instagram: http://instagram.com/alinapopescuwriter
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/alina-popescu
Google+: https://www.google.com/+AlinaPopescu
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