Bryan and Aubrey's story continues in Rockin' it Forever
Music journalist Bryan Gallagher’s life has completely changed in an unexpected way. Not only has he snagged a dream assignment as the memoirist to alternative music’s rock superstar Aubrey King, but he’s also promised to give the beautiful and enigmatic musician a chance for them to forge a relationship. It’s all very overwhelming for Bryan since, up until he spent a sexually charged day and night with Aubrey, Bryan has never even dreamed of being with a man.
Aubrey is completely smitten with the boyishly handsome, young rock writer, Bryan. After their instant spark grows into something more, Aubrey is desperate to keep Bryan by his side for always. He’s promised Bryan that their love is for real, that Bryan isn’t simply one of his rock star conquests.
Their road isn’t an easy one, though. Despite their deepening bond and growing need for each other, other factors intrude. Neither Aubrey nor Bryan is ready to come out, and their relationship needs to remain a carefully guarded secret. In addition, Aubrey has to answer to the demands of his profession and Bryan has to traverse the shifting waters between his personal and business relationship with his famous lover.
Then a secret is revealed and everything in their joint world implodes. When a love is so strong that two men can barely take a breath without thinking of the other, will that be enough to bridge the loss of trust? The only way they can rock their love forever is if Aubrey can reach Bryan before it’s too late.
This book picks up Bryan and Aubrey's story right where it left off at the end of Rockin' the Alternative. Aubrey and Bryan have barely decided to give a relationship their best effort and they are immediately separated by thousands of miles while they both work and take care of prior commitments. Aubrey does his best to maintain his self control when he talks to Bryan, not wanting to scare him off if he comes across as too needy, push him away with terms of endearment that are meant to pull him closer. At the same time, Bryan has struggles of his own. He's never been with a man, but he can't deny the way he feels about Aubrey, the instant connection, the way Aubrey brings his body alive like no woman ever could, or has.
The mutual chemistry and instantaneous connection aren't enough to sustain a relationship though, and these two have a lot of hurdles to overcome from the start. Neither of them want to be open about their sexuality, so the relationship literally starts with a lie. And yes, a lie by omission is still a lie, just in a fancier dress. Add to that the stress of launching a comeback, touring, recording, learning to love each other to spite the obstacles. It's a lot. Bryan is very protective of Aubrey though, he comes to his lovers defense when needed and he also has a calming affect on the rocker. This doesn't go unnoticed which is a problem in and of itself. And then there is a monkey on Aubrey's back that he keeps well hidden, a secret he is certain would send Bryan packing, so he keeps it, and it bites him in the ass.
What I loved about this book also drove me a little bit crazy at times. The push and pull between these two men. Aubrey is a Rock God, he has come to expect certain things and he is prone to epic hissy fits the likes of which are worthy of his status. I loved, loved, loved the way Bryan was able to pull him back, calm him down, love him unconditionally. So that was my little hiccup with the story. Sometimes I felt like Bryan just needed to pick Aubrey up, turn him over his knee and whip his ass! But then I have to admit that Knight was genius with the way she conveyed it in the story. Aubrey could rant and rave all night long and Bryan would be right there reassuring him that he was loved. I think that was part of Aubrey's problem, self assurance. You learn what happened to the band all those years ago in this book and it explains a lot of why Aubrey is as skittish as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Last, but definitely not least, the connection. Damn but these two loved each other hard. Aubrey is the musician, he's the instrument and he's good at showing emotion through his songs. Bryan is the writer and by god the man is a poet and didn't even know it. Some of the things he says to Aubrey were so genuine and beautiful, it's how I knew they'd find a way to make it work, the perfect balance for them.
If you are a fan of sexy rockers, love stories with equal parts passion and angst, and some super sexy naked man love... you're gonna love this one.
Author Q&A Part II
The mutual chemistry and instantaneous connection aren't enough to sustain a relationship though, and these two have a lot of hurdles to overcome from the start. Neither of them want to be open about their sexuality, so the relationship literally starts with a lie. And yes, a lie by omission is still a lie, just in a fancier dress. Add to that the stress of launching a comeback, touring, recording, learning to love each other to spite the obstacles. It's a lot. Bryan is very protective of Aubrey though, he comes to his lovers defense when needed and he also has a calming affect on the rocker. This doesn't go unnoticed which is a problem in and of itself. And then there is a monkey on Aubrey's back that he keeps well hidden, a secret he is certain would send Bryan packing, so he keeps it, and it bites him in the ass.
What I loved about this book also drove me a little bit crazy at times. The push and pull between these two men. Aubrey is a Rock God, he has come to expect certain things and he is prone to epic hissy fits the likes of which are worthy of his status. I loved, loved, loved the way Bryan was able to pull him back, calm him down, love him unconditionally. So that was my little hiccup with the story. Sometimes I felt like Bryan just needed to pick Aubrey up, turn him over his knee and whip his ass! But then I have to admit that Knight was genius with the way she conveyed it in the story. Aubrey could rant and rave all night long and Bryan would be right there reassuring him that he was loved. I think that was part of Aubrey's problem, self assurance. You learn what happened to the band all those years ago in this book and it explains a lot of why Aubrey is as skittish as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Last, but definitely not least, the connection. Damn but these two loved each other hard. Aubrey is the musician, he's the instrument and he's good at showing emotion through his songs. Bryan is the writer and by god the man is a poet and didn't even know it. Some of the things he says to Aubrey were so genuine and beautiful, it's how I knew they'd find a way to make it work, the perfect balance for them.
If you are a fan of sexy rockers, love stories with equal parts passion and angst, and some super sexy naked man love... you're gonna love this one.
Author Q&A Part II
Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do
you do about it?
Not writer’s block, but
writer’s burnout. I’m very prolific and can write around the clock for days at
a time. Once I taught myself to write through the pain (think of a tough
workout session) and found out that I could do it, it’s become like a drug. I
get writers high when I’m in the zone and the best feeling I can get is when I
reach the end of a book or story. Nothing like it.
But I’m still a human
being, and all work and no play… So this year I had my first serious burn-out
since I’ve been published. Instead of needing a few days or even a week before
I jumped back in with both feet, it was over two months. As it turns out, I’d
done an antho story already and Rockin’ it Forever was actually written last
year, so it didn’t knock me off the radar.
My only recourse was to
pamper myself, get out and do completely different things, reorganize, waste
hours upon hours on Facebook, but it was cool. It was nice to have the chance
to be more social than I typically am. Then, BAM, one day I couldn’t wait to
get back to it, and I’ve since managed to write two novellas and one novel
(Yes, the novel was Kiss of Leather 4 *double wink*), so I’m back, baby!
What Author’s in the genre do you read?
Oh man, I don’t want to
leave anyone out! So if I don’t mention your name, I’m sure I read you and
you’re amazing. Sean Michael, LM Somerton, KC Wells, AE Via, TM Smith, LE
Franks, JA Rock, Cardeno C, MA Church, Kade Boehme, Leta Blake, Amelia Gormley,
Megan Derr, Susan McNichol, Anna Martin, SJD Peterson, Rick Reed, Josephine
Myles *sucks in a deep breath* and as Yul Brynner would say: Etcetera,
What comes first, the plot or characters?
The characters. I’m
writing romance, first and foremost, so the men have to be super real to me. I
need to feel their chemistry, need to understand why they’re fighting to either
be together or to not be together, but are so overcome that they can’t help
That’s not to say I don’t
have a plot, but with a few exceptions, my books are more romance than plot
driven. I write explicit scenes, but I don’t view my stories as PWP. The sex is
a part of the actual story and is there for a reason. Typically, it’s to move
the relationship forward.
Describe the perfect writing space.
Not where I
am right now – that’s for sure! *snort* I need a window, I don’t like feeling
completely closed in. I don’t need a large area, but I do like to have inspirational
things around me while I write - art, photos, meaningful things people have
given me. And of course, music!

When not indulging in her passion for books, she loves the outdoors, film and music. Once upon a time she was the singer in an indie rock band that toured the West Coast and charted on U.S. college radio. She is currently working on more installments of Sin City Uniforms and The Hampton Road Club, as well as the follow-up to Bryan and Aubrey's story from Rockin' the Alternative.
Follow the tour...
Rockin’ it Forever tour
June 14th
La Quette – Spotlight only
Two Chicks Obsessed withBooks and Eye Candy – Review w/Q&A part 1
3 Chicks After Dark –
Spotlight only w/Excerpt
June 15th
Bike Book Reviews – Review
Molly Lolly – Spotlight
June 16th
Gay Book Reviews – Review
June 17th
Divine Magazine –
Spotlight w/Character Bio Bryan
June 18th
MM Book Escape – Spotlight
Foxylutely – Review
w/Exclusive Excerpt 4
June 19th
LE Franks – Spotlight w/LE’s
quirky Author Q&A
June 20th
The Novel Approach –
Spotlight only w/Character Bio Aubrey
June 21st
Purple Rose Teahouse –
Spotlight only w/Exclusive Excerpt 3
V’s Reads – Review w/PG 13
June 22nd
Wicked Fairy Tales andReviews – Review w/Excerpt
June 23rd
Happily Ever Chapter –
Spotlight only w/Excerpt
Cathy Brockman – Review
June 24th
Jessie G Books – Review
w/Author top 10 favorite rock bands
GGR - Spotlight
June 25th
TTC Books and more –
Review w/Dream Cast
June 26th
The O’Raven Chronicles –
Spotlight only
June 27th
Love Bytes – The Making of
a Fictional Rock Star
June 28th
AE Via – Spotlight
w/Q&A part 2
June 29th
MM Good Book Reviews –
Review w/Exclusive Excerpt 2
Prism Book Alliance –
Spotlight only w/Q&A part 3
June 30th
Bayou Book Junkie – Review
w/Exclusive Excerpt 1
AO Chika Book Blog –
Review w/Excerpt
Rockin’ it Forever Grand Prize giveaway:
Grand Prize - Rockin’ it Gift Basket including:
Signed paperback copy of Rockin’ it Forever, Skull Candy ear buds, a $30 Spotify gift card, a Falling in Stereo Concert T-shirt (made to order for your size), a music speaks necklace, Mosh Potatoes – a rock ‘n’ roll cookbook and a Rockin’ it Forever canvas messenger bag.
2nd prize: Signed paperback of Rockin’ it Forever, $10 iTunes gift card and
Falling in Stereo concert T-shirt.
3rd prize: Signed rack card, Morticia Knight pen, 2017 calendar magnet.
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