"Fast-paced, clever and sexy!" -- LAUREN BLAKELY New York Times bestselling author
27 Dresses meets Bridget Jones’s Diary for the millennial set in Erin Lyon's I Love You Subject to the Following Terms and Conditions.
In a world where marriage doesn’t exist—only seven-year contracts—you don’t marry, you sign. You don’t divorce, you breach. And sometimes, you just expire.
Kate is struggling to find her footing. She gave up a career she hated to pursue the law, and now she’s buried in debt and unemployed. At least she’s signed to an amazing guy—hot, sweet, and committed.
Enter the contract killer, the man who pursues only signed women. No commitment, no hassle, all the fun. But Kate has enough fun on her plate… until her partner doesn’t re-up their contract.
After an epic but well-deserved meltdown, Kate gets practical. She accepts a job with her uncle’s law firm, practicing signing law—the one type of law she swore she’d never do. And the contract killer? Now that Kate is single, she’s no longer his type, but he still wants to be friends. Yeah, that’ll work. Kate may be heartbroken, but she’s not impervious to this sexy, smart, and complex man. But hey, it looks like he may not be impervious to her either—signed or not.
Hilariously relatable, with biting wit and charm, The Contract Killers is 27 Dresses meets Bridget Jones’s Diary for the millennial set.
You can purchase I Love You Subject to the Following Terms and Conditions at the following Retailers:
In a world where marriage doesn’t exist—only seven-year contracts—you don’t marry, you sign. You don’t divorce, you breach. And sometimes, you just expire.
Kate is struggling to find her footing. She gave up a career she hated to pursue the law, and now she’s buried in debt and unemployed. At least she’s signed to an amazing guy—hot, sweet, and committed.
Enter the contract killer, the man who pursues only signed women. No commitment, no hassle, all the fun. But Kate has enough fun on her plate… until her partner doesn’t re-up their contract.
After an epic but well-deserved meltdown, Kate gets practical. She accepts a job with her uncle’s law firm, practicing signing law—the one type of law she swore she’d never do. And the contract killer? Now that Kate is single, she’s no longer his type, but he still wants to be friends. Yeah, that’ll work. Kate may be heartbroken, but she’s not impervious to this sexy, smart, and complex man. But hey, it looks like he may not be impervious to her either—signed or not.
Hilariously relatable, with biting wit and charm, The Contract Killers is 27 Dresses meets Bridget Jones’s Diary for the millennial set.
You can purchase I Love You Subject to the Following Terms and Conditions at the following Retailers:

Tams gives this one 4.5/5 stars...
Kate is 34 and signed, she just graduated law school and has the world in the palm of her hand. Until she gets passed over at her firm and will have to look for work elsewhere. To make matters worse, Jonathon, her husband, wants to end their contract. You see in this alternate world there aren't marriages the way we see them. Marriages are contracts that last for 7 years, at the end of 7 years you either re-sign or breach, and Jonathon wants to breach. In a matter of days, Kate's seemingly perfect life is turned upside down, inside out and then knocked sideways. Desperate, she winds up working at her uncles firm practicing the one area of law she now loathes, signing law.
I thoroughly enjoyed Kate in this story. She's smart, funny and determined. When she screws up, she doesn't make excuses. That being said, at times she came off as immature, I'm not sure if the Author did this on purpose to make her seem flawed or human, but it stood out as odd to me. And then there's Adam, the potential love interest for the now jaded Kate, Adam was sexy, stubborn and somewhat elusive. He likes Kate and they have a definite shared chemistry, but he does not like contracts. So where does that leave them? You'll have to read the book to find out!
An amazing debut from Erin Lyons... Fun, witty, romantic, passionate and a lot of laughs. I'll definitely be looking for book 2 and I highly recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a fun romance with an edge.
Kate is 34 and signed, she just graduated law school and has the world in the palm of her hand. Until she gets passed over at her firm and will have to look for work elsewhere. To make matters worse, Jonathon, her husband, wants to end their contract. You see in this alternate world there aren't marriages the way we see them. Marriages are contracts that last for 7 years, at the end of 7 years you either re-sign or breach, and Jonathon wants to breach. In a matter of days, Kate's seemingly perfect life is turned upside down, inside out and then knocked sideways. Desperate, she winds up working at her uncles firm practicing the one area of law she now loathes, signing law.
I thoroughly enjoyed Kate in this story. She's smart, funny and determined. When she screws up, she doesn't make excuses. That being said, at times she came off as immature, I'm not sure if the Author did this on purpose to make her seem flawed or human, but it stood out as odd to me. And then there's Adam, the potential love interest for the now jaded Kate, Adam was sexy, stubborn and somewhat elusive. He likes Kate and they have a definite shared chemistry, but he does not like contracts. So where does that leave them? You'll have to read the book to find out!
An amazing debut from Erin Lyons... Fun, witty, romantic, passionate and a lot of laughs. I'll definitely be looking for book 2 and I highly recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a fun romance with an edge.
Excerpt from:
I LOVE YOU* A Contract Killers Novel
By Erin Lyon
Forge Books, 2017
Subtlety was not in my vocab right now. “I hear you’re a contract killer.”
laughed, but also nodded ever so slightly, clearly not denying the accusation.
you admit it then?”
should I deny it? Although I do find the term amusing.”
do I feel no need to deny it or why am I amused by the term?”
does every one do that to me? “Why are you?”
am I what, Kate?” Why does he keep calling me Kate? Because that’s your name,
dumbass. It’s just that people rarely call you by your name. Like that first
time, sure, when you’re being introduced, but after that, no. Even Jonathan— I
get “baby,” “sweetheart,” “beautiful,” but hardly ever Kate. It’s sort of a
thing for me when people use my name— when I hear it, it electrifies me a
little, feeling oddly intimate.
after taken women.”
He leaned down close to me again. Too close again. “I don’t see the need to
sign a contract with a woman to be with her.”
don’t have to sign. Lots of people date and never sign.”
women can’t help it. They ultimately want that. They are raised believing that
relationships involve a piece of paper. The fairy tales teach little girls that
a happy ending only comes when Prince Charming asks you to sign a contract to
be his and his alone. I’m not saying there aren’t men with the same ingrained
ideals— but I do think all women fall victim to it in one way or another.”
Tell the truth or not? The gin said to tell the truth.
did. What can I say? My parents have been re- upping since I was born. What
about yours?” I wasn’t sure he’d answer. So far this had been the “Kate Show”
as far as sharing personal information went.
They were one and done.”
you think that changed the way you feel about it?”
he said, smirking. “I think logic made
me feel that way about it.”
the mention of her name (sort of) Logek turned around, eyebrows raised in
I said, hand extended. “This is my friend, Logek.”
he said, smiling. He shook Logek’s hand. “Interesting name.”
Isn’t it, though?”
smiled and nodded at her. And then turned back to me. Like she wasn’t there.
it’s illogical to want to commit to someone?” I said, falling back into our
Not for some people.”
don’t really believe that, though.”
he said, with a secret smile. “I guess I don’t. It just feels like a trap to
about children?” I was seeing the allure of the contract killer already— I
could ask these bold questions without being misconstrued. He knew I wasn’t
testing him out to see if he’d be white picket fence material.
about them?”
kind of irresponsible to have them without being under contract.”
I’d always thought so. I was wondering whether I was prepared to have this
depth of conversation right now.
think so.”
It provides for their future. It doesn’t leave their life to chance.”
it do that for you?”
smiled. “I can’t say it did that for me. I just think that there are plenty of
people that will be good parents without a paper mandating it.”
think you’re the one being naïve now,” I said.
looked disconcerted. I don’t think he had people challenge him often. Or maybe
just women. I got the impression he wasn’t used to having this much depth in
his conversations, either.
don’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” I said. “I’m just saying that it’s
possible that because it didn’t work for your parents, it shaped your views on
flickered through his eyes momentarily. Some sadness or longing. It was strange
how much I could read from his subtle expressions.
shrugged non committally. “I suppose anything is possible,” he said, looking at
me steadily. He glanced at his watch. “I’ve got to get going.”
leaned in again and gave me a peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you again, Kate
Book Nerd Spotlight
ERIN LYON is a practicing attorney who spends her free time writing novels about lawyers. I Love You* Subject to the Following Terms and Conditions is her debut novel. Visit her online at: www.erinlyon.net.
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I'm new to this author but the book sounds good, added to my TBR list.
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