Only love makes life worth living—over and over again.
Ghostwalker Blake Jones dies every day. It’s his job and how he helps trapped souls cross over. But to return to life, he needs an anchor. His new partner, Derek Scott, is a surprise. Not only is he male, but his appearance belies a caring and gentle heart. Despite attraction and a strengthening relationship, they know they shouldn’t take things further.
But there’s a big difference between knowing and doing.
Their growing love presents a problem, though not the one they expect. Blake and Derek have to decide if they should take their relationship to the most permanent level—an unbreakable metaphysical bond. Doing so offers both risk and unimaginable reward. Can Blake let go of his fears and put his complete trust in Derek in order to have the happily ever after he’s always craved?
Buy links: Dreamspinner | Amazon US
Cat gives this one 4 meows with a 2 purr heat index...
These Dreamspun lines are designed to be light fluffy romances High on romance low on on page heat the focus on love so you can expect some insta love or fast moving relationships. This book fits perfectly.
Derek has caring in his genes as he is an anchor to ghost walkers to help tie them to our plane and care for them.
Blake has been Ghostwalking for 15 years and is good at his job. When he finds out his new partner is a male and has the anchor gene he isn’t happy. All the men in his life walk away and he isn’t ready for that. Derek on the other hand doesn’t plan on letting Blake down.
I liked the cover of this book and the story has a good premise. However there was too many things that could’ve been expanded upon such as how do they get these genes. become anchors, ghostwalkers, more about what the bond is, and a little more spirit action on ghost walks.
Now having said that I loved all the characters , the premise and even the fast paced relationship. I look forward to more stories in the series.
If you like fast paced romance, ghosts, fated love, love at first sight, unique characters, and just a little on page man- love give this one a try.
HE WAS running late.
Of course he was. On what was, absolutely and without a doubt, certain to be the single most stressful day of Blake Jones’s life, he couldn’t get his act together. The alarm failed to go off, and it was only the loud beep of the snowplow that pulled him from sleep. The hot water disappeared halfway through his shower, when he still had to rinse out the shampoo. He had to search high and low to find his missing glove. When he finally made it outside, the snow on the car was four inches deep, and the plow had thoughtfully shoved snow right up against his bumper. He was sweating and shaking by the time he got himself shoveled out and the car brushed off.
A glance at the dashboard told him it was an hour after he should have been at the office, and he still had five miles to drive. In a snowstorm. On badly plowed and salted roads. It took him three times as long to make the trek than it normally did, and almost two hours late, he finally pulled into the vast parking lot at Requiem Inc.
Even then he still thought about calling in. Except he knew he couldn’t. Not today. Which was why he made the trek in the first place.
His boots crunched and squeaked as he walked as quickly as possible across the lot and to the front door. He slipped more than once, but the tread on his boots had good traction and he didn’t go down. Until he set foot on the cleared sidewalk, stepped directly onto a patch of ice, flailed a moment, and hit concrete.
Now he was late, in pain, and had wet pants.
Blake screamed a curse to the heavens, picked himself up, and trudged through the glass front doors.
The lobby was quiet. Though it was purposefully decorated in a warm and inviting style, no one lingered there. There was no need. Requiem Inc. didn’t get many visitors. The ten-story building that housed the Duncan Moor branch office wasn’t exactly open to the public. People who entered had a specific purpose—either a meeting or work—and there was no point hanging around downstairs.
Blake gave a gloved wave to the security guard behind the polished desk and beelined for the elevators, making sure to walk on the runners that had been laid down so his wet feet didn’t slip on the gleaming marble floor. He bypassed the metal detectors and headed for the far end, where a palm reader and a small gate were all he needed to gain entry to the upper floors. Blake had fairly high clearance, and while he appreciated the lengths Requiem went to in order to keep their employees safe, he was glad he didn’t have to go through the whole rigmarole. He tugged off his fleece-lined gloves, shoved them in his pocket, and laid his left palm on the sensor while he yanked off his thick hat with his right. A moment later the sensor flashed green, and a barely audible click let him know he could push through the gate.
“King is gonna kill you,” Greg called from the desk, sounding faintly amused.
Blake shot him a look, but he couldn’t quite make it as scathing as he wanted. Greg was a jovial and friendly man, and Blake didn’t have it in him to be rude, despite his morning thus far. “Ha-ha-ha.”
Greg offered him a belly laugh and waved him on. Blake shut the gate behind him and got on the closest elevator as soon as the doors swooshed open. It was a quick and silent ride to the sixth floor. Music was piped in during the holiday season, but since the New Year had come and gone, everything was once again blessedly silent. Blake didn’t mind the music—enjoyed it even—but he was glad he didn’t have to listen to it. It would have set his ragged nerves even more on edge.
The ding signaled his arrival, and a second later, the doors slid open. Blake unzipped his jacket, shrugged it off, and unwrapped his scarf. He found a smile for Julie, the receptionist at the desk in the middle of the sparse sixth-floor lobby. She grinned back.
“You’re late.” Her smoky voice was tinged with laughter, and her eyes twinkled as she studied him.
“I called.” It was a meager defense. Yes, circumstances had been beyond his control, but it still wasn’t much of an excuse. Today was not the day to be late.
“Mr. King is going to kill you.”
Blake managed a laugh, though he wasn’t feeling it. Julie was just too sweet and perky to take out his frustration and worries on. “Everybody’s a comedian.”
Julie gave a tiny chuckle and then shook her head and turned back to her work. “He’s down in the conference room. Good luck today, Blake.”
“Thanks,” he said, and he meant it. He’d take all the luck he could get. He was going to need it.
Blake made a quick stop in his office to hang up his winter gear and exchange his boots for sneakers. There was nothing he could do about the wet splotch on his hip. It would dry eventually. He didn’t linger, though he wanted nothing more than to hide there. His nerves increased tenfold, and his stomach jittered as though he’d swallowed hundreds of live butterflies. Blake took another minute just to try and gain his composure. Then he sucked in a deep breath, pulled open the door, and headed down the hall.
The conference room was usually only used for meetings. Once a month they had a whole-department staff meeting, and occasionally there was reason to gather there, but mostly the room remained unused. Blake felt awkward heading there—a bit like he was being called into the principal’s office. More than once he had to remind himself he wasn’t in trouble. He’d done nothing wrong.
He was just getting a new partner.
Always listening to the voices in my head.
Kris T. Bethke has been a voracious reader for pretty much her entire life and has been writing stories for nearly as long. An avid and prolific daydreamer, she always has a story in her head. She spends most of her free time reading, writing, or knitting/crocheting her latest project. Her biggest desire is to find a way to accomplish all three tasks at one time. A classic muscle car will always turn her head, and naps on the weekend are one of her greatest guilty pleasures. She lives in a converted attic with a very fluffy cat and the voices in her head. She’ll tell you she thinks that’s a pretty good deal. Kris believes that love is love, no matter the gender of people involved, and that all love deserves to be celebrated. And she loves to hear from readers, so feel free to drop her a line.
Thanks for the good review, Cat. I too liked the premise, and nice to know your take on the other aspects. - Purple Reader,
ReplyDeleteTheWrote [at] aol [dot] com
Such a unique concept. I am intrigued.