Return to the Mountain
Mountain series book 5
- Narrated by: Finn Sterling
- Length: 6 hrs and 17 mins
- Unabridged Audiobook
- Release date: 01-30-15
- Language: English
- Publisher: Dreamspinner Press LLC
Caddy Gary Richardson hungers for the lush life of the wealthy golfers he escorts around the course at Wapiti Creek. The contrast between his tiny trailer at the edge of a mountain town and the luxurious ski and golf resort is something he's learned to live with but not like. Gary wants the fancy condo and late-model car not just for himself but for his childhood friend turned lover, Seth Morgan. He'd settle for security for the two of them, but even that seems out of reach.
Seth is content with Gary and enough spare cash for greens fees at municipal golf courses. Going pro is beyond his means, even if he plays well enough to win on the championship resort courses. Gary would do anything to fulfill Seth's dreams, even things he'd rather keep to himself. When an unheard of opportunity knocks, Gary can answer or resign himself to living on tips from affluent tourists.
But Seth can't live with that answer when it means his trust has been betrayed. He has to let go and hope the man he loves will find his way home.
©2013 P D Singer (P)2015 Dreamspinner Press
Buy links: Dreamspinner | Amazon Audio | Audible | iTunes
Buy links: Dreamspinner | Amazon Audio | Audible | iTunes
Tams gives this one 4 Stars...
Sometimes you can go back home
Gary and Seth are childhood friends that have been through it all together. Gary's homelife is chaotic and abusive while Seth has a calmer existence and a mother that loves him dearly. Gary falls in love with Seth as soon as he's old enough to know the meaning of the word, Seth takes a little longer. As the years pass they grow closer and though they are barely scraping by, as long as they're together, Seth couldn't be happier. Gary has big dreams and hopes and makes a terrible choice to ensure those dreams, a decision that costs him everything but the job making all the money he's always wanted. But what's riches without the love of your life?
What I've enjoyed about this series is how each book is different. It's a series, all books set at a Mountain resort Wapiti Creek, but each story has a different feel to it and stands on its own well. This particular book explored the consequences for ones actions, no matter the intent. Gary wants the best of everything for Seth, feeling like his friend turned lover deserves the very best in life. But the steps he takes to ensure that future are misguided and irrevocable. Seth could care less if he and Gary have to move back home to his mother and spend the rest of their lives sleeping on his tiny, twin bed. They need to be on the same page or the life each of them envision will be nothing more than a dream.
Finn Sterling has really done an amazing job with this series from book to book. While there is a variety of characters, some moving through several books, Sterling always manages to give each their own voice. He packs a punch with tones, inflections and nuances as well that bring the emotions Singer wrote out for Gary and Seth to life. There's a particular part in this book where Gary and Seth are talking on the phone and Gary has to face the consequences for his actions. I truly felt the desperation Gary felt and the pain Seth felt in that moment. Great job Sterling!
My only hiccup was there were times when the story didn't flow well from one part to the next and a particular relationship between Gary and a despicable asshole went in to far too much detail for my liking. Overall though, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I would recommend this series to listeners that like flawed, three dimensional characters where the struggle is real, but leads to right path, eventually. I would also recommend starting with book one simply because it's like listening to one long story broken into five parts.
What I've enjoyed about this series is how each book is different. It's a series, all books set at a Mountain resort Wapiti Creek, but each story has a different feel to it and stands on its own well. This particular book explored the consequences for ones actions, no matter the intent. Gary wants the best of everything for Seth, feeling like his friend turned lover deserves the very best in life. But the steps he takes to ensure that future are misguided and irrevocable. Seth could care less if he and Gary have to move back home to his mother and spend the rest of their lives sleeping on his tiny, twin bed. They need to be on the same page or the life each of them envision will be nothing more than a dream.
Finn Sterling has really done an amazing job with this series from book to book. While there is a variety of characters, some moving through several books, Sterling always manages to give each their own voice. He packs a punch with tones, inflections and nuances as well that bring the emotions Singer wrote out for Gary and Seth to life. There's a particular part in this book where Gary and Seth are talking on the phone and Gary has to face the consequences for his actions. I truly felt the desperation Gary felt and the pain Seth felt in that moment. Great job Sterling!
My only hiccup was there were times when the story didn't flow well from one part to the next and a particular relationship between Gary and a despicable asshole went in to far too much detail for my liking. Overall though, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I would recommend this series to listeners that like flawed, three dimensional characters where the struggle is real, but leads to right path, eventually. I would also recommend starting with book one simply because it's like listening to one long story broken into five parts.
PD Singer lives in Colorado with her slightly bemused husband, one proto-adult, and a deficiency of cats. She's a big believer in research, first-hand if possible, so the reader can be quite certain Pam has skied down a mountain face-first, been stepped on by rodeo horses, acquired a potato burn or two, and will never, ever, write a novel that includes sky-diving.
When not writing, playing her fiddle, or skiing, she can be found with a book in hand.
It sounds like an interesting read.