Title: Wanted Dead or In Love
Series: The Cortell Brothers #3
Author: Giulia Lagomarsino
Genre: Small Town Romance
Release Date: January 11, 2021

I was just driving down the road one day when I saw her. That was when everything went to shit. Bullets were flying, I was killing guys with a toilet lid. It was insane. And the whole time, I had a scared, timid woman as an accomplice.
Or was she?
She knew exactly what she was doing. She knew exactly what to say. It seemed that I was the only one left in the dark about what was really going on. And I was about to pay for it, with my life.
I'd seen that look before, that watchful gaze that sent shivers down my spine. I thought he was there to kill me, but then he got wrapped up in everything with me, and then I couldn't shake him. I couldn't tell him who I was. I could never let him go back to his life. He had to run with me or his whole family would be murdered. But you know what they say about secrets, they always come out eventually. And when he finds out mine, he's gonna be pissed.
This is book 3 in The Cortell Brothers series, and it is recommended they are read in order.
Cat gives this 5 meows...
This is book three of the Cortell brothers and needs to be read in order.
Josh is the brother of 7 Cortell boys that’s been missing for seven years. . One morning he just disappeared. Everything was in his apartment. His neighbors saw him several people in town spoke to him then boom he never returns.
Hannah Aka Carly has been on the run four years when she meets a man that stops to help her fix a flat. Nothing she says or does sends him away so he is dragged in her mess and on the run. Josh has no idea what he got himself into.
These books just get better and better. Each one has a totally different story but lots of excitement. There are plenty of twists and turns and just when I thought this one was t going to bring tears I was wrong.
We also get to see the otheR brothers as well. I highly recommend this series!
There is romance, tension, twists, and action galore.

I'm a stay at home mom that loves to read. Some of my favorite titles are Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Horatio Hornblower. I started writing when I was trying to come up with suggestions on ways I could help bring in some extra money. I came up with the idea that I could donate plasma because you could earn an extra $500/month. My husband responded with, "No. Find something else. Write a blog. Write a book." I didn't think I had anything to share on blog that a thousand other mothers hadn't already thought of. I decided to take his challenge seriously and sat down to write my first book, Jack. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed writing. From there, the stories continued to flow and I haven't been able to stop. I hope my readers enjoy my books as much as I enjoy writing them. Between reading, writing, and taking care of three small kids, my days are quite full.
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