Nine Ideal Locations to Write About (as an author).
1. The little area of a city you are from, or a small town you know about that is not often (or ever) part of books you have read. Provide a bit of color that is uniquely you.
2. Restaurants where you love to eat. Fans will often decide to visit them if they are real in your books.
3. Places you have visited – check into the business tax opportunities available in your country.
4. Completely fabricated locations which a reader can never search and find out your facts are wrong.
5. A setting that becomes as much a character in the book as the people. Such as the bar ‘Cheers’ in the sitcom…named Cheers.
6. Web locations that are unique, and fans or readers can visit them as well. Effectively a shared experience.
7. The main characters preferred location to sit or read / do work in your stories. This facilitates a connection with a location in the readers mind and their own experiences.
8. New Orleans. Go there, eat the food, thank me, write about it in your story, write it off as a business expense. If you don’t write a story… just thank me and your welcome.
9. If you like Chinese food, then Ping Pang Pong in the Gold Coast hotel / casino in Las Vegas. I’ve been blessed to be in China / Beijing twice. The best Chinese I’ve had is in Vegas.10. If you are an aspiring writer, choose a location that isn’t popular (if you know it well enough.) Believe it or not, my experience is that readers often want a bit of travel or new locations they haven’t read about.
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