Monarch Springs is full of hot guys... So why is Aiden determined to be in love with the only one that he can't stand?
Up-and-coming interior designer Aiden Hart came to Monarch Springs for an intriguing job and an escape from his old life. Redecorating the tourist trap that is the Monarch Mansion in a small town in Pennsylvania sounded like the exact opposite of his trainwreck of a life in Miami. Not to mention a way to jumpstart his DIY celebrity career.
Aiden didn't want to think that his new start was cursed. But being assigned to work with the disgraced former TV carpenter Brett Jeffries at the last minute and breaking down by the side of the road not two minutes later made being cursed sound reasonable.
Things started looking up when a hot mystery man in a beat up truck stopped to rescue him. This flannel-wearing angel was not the kind of hot that happened in Miami. This was salt-of-the-earth, lumberjack, bearded, knows how to change a tire, H-O-T hotness.
Of course, his hot savior turned out to be none other than Brett Jefferies.
And that was only the start of Aiden's problems. From a traitorous cat to exes showing up at the worst possible times, he still has to somehow get this remodel done before Christmas.
However, falling in love with the job, the town, and, worst of all, Brett, was not on Aiden's Christmas list.
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Do you use a pseudonym? If so, why? If not, why not?
(Dani) We both do. Mine is a play on my legal name and a tarot card that I vibe with.
I originally decided to use a pseudonym to hide from the people in my hometown.
But in the end, it stopped mattering and now everyone knows. It wasn’t the end of the world
like I thought it would be, thankfully.
(Curtis) Mine is more complicated. I used the last name Star for years as my writer name,
but when I transitioned in late 2020, I took the name of a character from our series Burn Outs
that helped me to really find myself. It felt a little weird at first, but now it’s what I go by in
everyday life too and I couldn’t be happier.
What does success mean to you?
(Dani) I started my journey to becoming an author when I was 12 years old. When I published
the final book of Burn Outs back in early 2021, I fulfilled what I wanted out of my life. I still have
so many stories to tell, but I’m no longer chasing success. For me, I’ve already succeeded and
everything else is just gravy.
(Curtis) I live my success every day that I am able to get up and write. There was a point in my
life where I wasn’t sure I was going to make it to the next day. This is really and truly me living
my best life, a life that I wasn’t always guaranteed to have.
What is the hardest part of writing in your opinion?
(Curtis) Getting Dani to turn off Plants vs. Zombies or whatever stupid game they have on their
laptop now and get to work!
(Dani) The editing and proofreading parts are the worst. Though picking writing over the
multitude of distractions is really hard, too. We're always like "oh, we'll just watch 2 or 3
episodes of One Piece then we'll do our afternoon writing." Then next thing we know, it's 7am
and no words have happened. We’re better now than we used to be, but it can still be
Where do you get your ideas for your books?
(Curtis) From everywhere. We read and watch everything we can make time for, really just
flooding our systems with stories. We also have this weird thing for reality TV. Watching real
people reacting to other real people is a fascinating character study.
(Dani) Sometimes, we draw inspiration from things we've already written, taking characters we
love and dropping them into new situations. Take our omegaverse series, The Black Devil.
Curtis started writing that as a fun little spin-off of the superhero series (Burn Outs) we had just
finished writing. In Burn Outs, the character Dark Mirror dreams of being a novelist and has been
working on this bizarre detective novel about a black cat for most of his adult life. So Curtis
decides, just for fun, he's going to write Dark Mirror's book as this cute little one-off that maybe
we'll give away to our newsletter peeps or something.
(Dani) Long story short, he creates this amazing world using Dark Mirror's idea of the other
characters from Burn Outs as the basis for the Black Devil characters. Sort of like when you're a
young writer, in middle or high school, and you write all your friends and celebrity crushes into a
story. I loved the world and ended up writing this little porny fic about it. Curtis then recruited me
to help write it and... well, that one-off funsies story is now a 7 book series beloved on the serial
sites we've put it on.
What do you do when you get writer’s block?
(Dani) The cool part about having a partner is that writer’s block isn’t hard to get over. We can
talk out the block, or better yet, we’ve already outlined 10 to 12 chapters in advance so we just
look at that and ask “what do we need to do to get to the next bullet point?”
(Curtis) Blocks are still hard on our solo projects, but again, having someone around all the
time to talk it out with is super helpful.

It has been a rocky road full of pitfalls and potholes that has lead to the current format of writing boy's love serials that are becoming the bedrock of the Hermit & Star brand.
Author Website: https://hermitstarbooks.com/
Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/hermitstarbooks
Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/hermitstarbooks
Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hermitstarbooks/
Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Dani-Hermit/e/B00BG3335E/

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