Title: Love & Consequences
Series: Truth & Love Series
Author: BJ Harvey
Genre/Tropes: Second chance, law enforcement, Las Vegas crime, hero's redemption, smoke & mirrors, he's still gone for her, angst, heroine & hero in danger, protector, revenge, starting over, tortured hero, kick ass heroine, brother's best friend
(can be read as a standalone)
Release Date: November 12, 2023
A year ago, I let my heart overrule my head and I made an error in judgment that cost me everything I’d ever worked for.
Then I screwed up again trying to save my career and lost the last ally I had left.
Just as I'm slowly rebuilding the life I spectacularly destroyed, I’m sent back to the scene of the crime to go undercover in the hottest new club on what seems like an open-shut skimming case. But as always, nothing is as it seems. Especially when I cross paths with the very last person who wants to see me--Marlee Manning.
The biggest distraction and risk to my cover—and hers—just happens to be the girl who enamored me as a kid, who enchanted me as an adult, and who used to be the one constant presence in my life, loving me unconditionally until I broke her heart, her trust, and everything else.
Now we need each other to help bring down a man who could be the most dangerous man on the Strip. The problem is, we don't know what we're up against, and the deeper I get into the life, the more I realize that the stakes are higher than ever. Not just for me, but for her, and any future we might have.
Because if I'm not careful, this case, this chance, this journey toward redemption, could very well end up being my last.
Cat gives this Book 5 Meows with a 1 Purr heat index...
Hi Y’all! Come in and grab a seat while I tell you about this book I just read.
The title is Truth and Consequences by BJ Harvey and it is book 2 in the Truth series. You do have to read in order as it picks up from last book and if cliffhangers not your thing probably should move on. I read the blurb and it really got my interest because, redemption but honestly, I've been waiting for this story since I read the previous book.
Who’s my favorite main character? Aiden. I like a character that is flawed and especially a good redemption story.
Was there another character I loved and why? I liked Marley too she's a strong female lead.
Were there significant plot twists and turns? The entire story is one big twist with a shocking ending. I'm still not recovered.
The story is a romantic suspense, and it is a cliffhanger. But, I myself, like continuing series and love a good cliffhanger; it just makes me want the next book. Bring it on!
If you like romantic suspense, mystery, intrigue and a second chance, you will like this.
BJ Harvey is the USA Today Bestselling Author of angsty contemporary romance, romantic comedy, and sometimes a little bit of romance suspense. She regards herself as a smut peddler, suspense conjurer, and a funny romance thinker upper. An avid music fan, you will always find her singing some hit song badly and loving every minute of it. She’s a miner’s wife, a mom to two beautiful teenagers, and was born in New Zealand and currently lives in Perth, Australia.
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