Title: Grayson
Series: A Station 47 Novel
Author: CA Harms
Genre/Tropes: Love/Hate Romance; Neighbors; Angst; Age-Gap; Firefighter Romance
Release Date: August 13, 2024
I run into burning buildings, put everything on the line and thrive on the high it triggers.
It’s how I live my life. It’s how I’ve always lived my life.
I love the fast pace. A new adventure every day.
So why can’t I shake my brunette neighbor?
Why when I see her do I feel like everything around me stops?
Cat gives this book 4 meows with a 2 purr heat index...
This is a good start to this shared world. Here's a few things I really liked...
Skye is a very strong heroine. She gave up her life at 19 just starting college and her life to raise her 12 years old sister. She's now 22 and Tori is 14 almost 15. Normally I'm not as sold on the female lead, but Skye is awesome.
I also loved Tori. She is a handful and has no filter on her mouth. She adds a good comedic relief to lighten the story.
I also loved Scarlet and Vivian. They are friends, Vivian works with Sky and Scarlett is Grayson's cousin and best friend.
So, the book is filled with awesome women, oh I almost forgot Rosey the firehouse grandma.
The plot is good, Grayson is a playboy but has a good heart, there's some action from their job that keeps the book exciting. The romance is slow burn but good tension. Most sex is off page.
I'll admit at the beginning I was confused because most of their runs was regular lifesaving such as accidents and not fires so I guess they are rescue too.
And the end threw me as I was looking for a conclusive HEA and got a Cliffhanger for the next book which is Cooper. I'm excited for that but it did throw me for a loop.
If you like sexy firemen, sassy teenagers, strong female leads and an allover good romance this is for you.
C.A. Harms is an avid romance and mystery reader. She's always had a love for books, getting lost in writing and storytelling even as a young girl. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories.
She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. She holds an addiction for Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha’s and KitKat when she should really be focusing on water and maybe a fruit or two to make herself feel less guilty, but that feeling quickly passes...thankfully.
She is easy going, fun, and although she may seem like one of the quiet ones at first, you just wait until she gets to know you better...that quietness changes, fast.
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