TTC Books and more Author of the Month for August is
Lily Adile Lamb ~
Another month has come and gone. I hope you found some favorite new reads from Lily this month, and a huge thank you to our Author of the Month, Lily Adile Lamb, for sharing her stories. You can go back through the months posts to be sure you didn't miss anything (each post went live on Mondays) and be sure to enter the giveaway for a $10 Amazon giftcard, the giveaway ends at midnight on the 31st!
Another month has come and gone. I hope you found some favorite new reads from Lily this month, and a huge thank you to our Author of the Month, Lily Adile Lamb, for sharing her stories. You can go back through the months posts to be sure you didn't miss anything (each post went live on Mondays) and be sure to enter the giveaway for a $10 Amazon giftcard, the giveaway ends at midnight on the 31st!
Lily Adile is from Turkey. She works as a nurse by day and writes LGBT Romance by night.
She visits her family in Turkey regularly and travel to other countries like Singapore to visit the other family members.
She visits her family in Turkey regularly and travel to other countries like Singapore to visit the other family members.
She is blessed with three grown up children and a furry child, JJ Basil.
Lily Adile's focus in her LGBT stories are on mere mortals because she believes that love is universal. Her mortal heroes are not rich, famous or incredibly handsome males with six pack bodies… rather they are just everyday men who work hard and deal with whatever that life throws at them.
Lily Adile is against bullying in any form. She is actively involved with Marriage Equality and stands by the same sex couples who want to have children. She believes that primarily, a child needs a loving, protective home.
Lily’s biggest regret is not studying English formally because writing stories, consequentially, takes much longer. She still gets there of course, thanks to her bevy of loyal and supportive beta readers, editors and wonderful friends.
Lily especially thanks her husband with all her heart for his endless patience, love and support. He is the love of her life and apple of her eye….he is the home she goes to at the end of a hard day at work.
"I am both
a mother and wife, I work as a nurse during the day and write LGBTQI stories
late at night once the family are tucked in bed. I studied in the UK and worked
there for a few years before I moved to Australia, settling down for good."
Lily Adile Lamb also supports a couple of LGBT book groups on Facebook ~
And you can contact Lily via email anytime, she loves to hear from fans!
Books by Lily Adile Lamb
Boundless Love
Chris has enjoyed a life filled with love and acceptance. With his extended family close by and working on his small IT business, he is confident with himself and in his surroundings. Both men’s world collides at a chance meeting while attempting to assist a young mother and child. With that first awkward encounter, both Terry and Chris know their lives would never be the same again.
This carefully crafted and highly emotive story follows Terry and Chris as they take their first tentative step toward building a new life together.
Terry’s demons are never far away and when things in his life begin to unravel once more, he is thrust back into his worst nightmare. Can he allow himself to become vulnerable in the face of Chris’ love and learn to trust him, and their relationship, allowing them both to move on to the life they both desire and deserve?
Grab your copy of Boundless Love from Amazon today!
The Nameless One
He was the only nameless one among his kind, the result of his mother’s forbidden affair with a human. He was the only one the others teased and tormented, the only one who longed for his own sex – a crime among his kind. And when he repeated his mother’s mistake with a human male, the punishment was terrible – his wings were broken, his body was crushed, and he was imprisoned in a bottle, freed only to grant the wishes of whichever greedy human found him next. And there he stayed, alone.
Faine was born different, too, his legs withered at birth, his little body left at the edge of the woods for the other abandoned ones to take in. Sylvonna the wise woman raised him in kindness, and the sheep he tended were patient with his slow, painful gait. It was a good life…only he longed for a lover of his own sex, and while there was no shame in it among his people, there were none among them who shared that longing. And so he was alone.
The forest whispered to Faine, that he would find love…that his true love was coming soon.
And when the nameless one was at last freed from his prison, his release would come on a mountain, near a forest…a forest where the world’s other outcasts dwelt. A mountain where Faine would bring his sheep to graze…
“The Nameless One” is a fable, a fairy tale, a love story about two broken creatures who are made whole at last.
Grab your copy of The Nameless One from Amazon today!
It has been weeks since Curtis first saw the young waiter with the haunted eyes. No matter how often he went to the café to find the right opportunity to introduce himself, that moment simply did not come that quickly. Joseph was aware of the gentle giant who quietly came to have his lunch and then left day after day. Fearing his father’s wrath and under his ever watchful eyes, he made no moves nor overtures. Until one day when the other man approaches to him… Hope can turn to love...
Grab your copy of Stay With Me from Amazon today!
Ilhan started off on the wrong foot with John, and somehow he always seemed to stay there. When the college student hastily looked away from the apartment building’s hunky maintenance man, John thought he was stuck up. When he tried to get John to knock on his door by leaving his trash out for pickup, John though he was a messy tenant. All he wants to do is get John’s attention, but he always seems to do it wrong…
John’s always seeing the little Turkish twink strutting around like a little peacock, in his too-tight clothes, but it’s hard to ignore that perfect little ass, no matter how bad his manners are. He’s nice to the other tenants, John knows, so he must be cold to John because of his job as a “mere maintenance man.” Too bad, because John would love to see what’s under those clothes.
Yet when one of Ilhan’s more embarrassing moments brings them together, each realizes they’ve been mistaken about the other, and also, so right. And all the awkwardness between them is washed away…
But when Ilhan’s conservative Turkish parents come to Perth to visit, and find their son locked in an embrace with another man, the stress of their demands could tear the two lovers apart...
Grab your copy of Awkward in Love from Amazon today!
Love is indeed universal. Your books all look amazing.