David knows he shouldn’t be attracted to the soft spoken handyman.
His last partner was unfaithful, and jumping into a new relationship is a
recipe for disaster. His ex is creating trouble, and David’s car has been
vandalized sitting in his driveway. But as David spends more time with Jackson,
he finds himself falling -- hard. Is Jackson the love he’s hoped for? There’s only one way to know for sure, and
that’s to try to trust what his heart is telling him in spite of the obstacles.
Buy links: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon
Cat gives this one 5 Meows with a 3 Purr heat index...
David walks in on his boyfriend of five years getting a blow job. He decides he has had enough of Trevor figuring this isn't the first time and moves across town to his moms. He finds a beautiful house, makes a bid and gets it quickly. Once he moves n he finds that there is a lot wrong with it and he should never have skipped an inspection. His mom gives him a card for a local gay handyman.
Jackson moved home to take care of his sick mom since neither his brother or sister would make time for her and he also was in a bad relationship. He knew a lot about architecture and realized right away David had a designer house worth making what repairs he had. He did need to contract out some of the work and it was soon apparent all the other workers were gay or related to a gay person.
David's ex-presented a huge problem. He didn't want to lose the fancy Condo David bought and put his name on or his car so he kept stalking and threatening David.
I loved this book. I adore a character based story and this one was chalk-full of fun characters from David himself to the sexy handyman Jackson, all of Jackson's friends, both David and Jackson's mom, Throw in David's best friend Michael and not one but two cute Corgi's.
There was sexual tension between Jackson and David but they sex scenes didn't really show up until about 2/3 through. There was a touch of drama with David and his ex, but the witty and funny Michael added a touch of humor to keep the story from getting angsty. David's mom was so sweet you gotta love her!
I don't think I have read anything by Diana Copland , but I sure will in the future. As a matter-of-fact, I hope this is a series as there are so many Characters and a small plot left open that would make a great series.
If you like a good romance with lots of sexual tension, sexy designers, hot handymen, sweet moms, and cute Corgis you will love this!
Guest post with Author Diana Copland...
Hello, all!
My name is
Diana Copland, and first I’d like to thank Tammy for allowing me to do this post
for the release of my new book, David,
Renewed. I don’t know where writers would be without the generosity of the
bloggers and reviewers, and I appreciate it so much.
David, Renewed is about a late twenty-something
named David Snyder and his love interest, Jackson Henry. David is an interior
decorator for a corporate design firm (they do hotels and business complexes)
and Jackson is a handyman. I know that sounds like the beginning of a dirty
joke, (an interior decorator and a handyman walk into a gay bar…) but it isn’t.
Or at least, I hope not!! Anyway, David has recently moved out of the condo he
and his ex called home. He caught the man cheating on him, and packed and left
There were other problems in the relationship, this was just the
icing on the cake. Jackson Henry is the handyman he hires to do renovations on
the hundred year old house David buys on a whim. Fireworks ensue. (Well, at
least fire -- initially. David ties to light a fire in his fireplace without
realizing his chimney is blocked and when Jackson arrives for the first time,
he’s afraid the house is on fire!)
I think for
characters to feel real to a reader, they can’t exist in a vacuum. They need
friends and family, and David and Jackson have both.
mom Shirley has been recently diagnosed with MS, and he’s left a lucrative job
on the west coast to come home and take care of her. In the early days of David and Jackson’s
budding attraction, Shirley has a bad fall and suffers a serious head injury.
This actually happened to me. My mother was in her office, which was a tiny
room overcrowded with furniture. She fell, striking her head on a book case.
She had to be transported to the hospital in an ambulance and needed over
ninety stitches in her head. Like Shirley, she never lost consciousness and
most of the damage was done above her hair line. She suffered no real long term
damage. Not even noticeable scars.
mother is named Beverley who is something of a helicopter mom. Some of that
impulse has been subdued by the recent loss of her husband, David’s dad, but
she still wants their only son to be happy. She was also never particularly
fond of the ex, so thinking David might be getting interested in Jackson makes
her very happy. There are also siblings in the mix.
David has a
sister, Beth, who is older than her brother. Beth is nosy and pushy but with
the very best intentions and David loves her. Jackson has two siblings, a
brother and a sister, and unfortunately they aren’t close.
family has something of a complicated history. His dad was a high powered
attorney and he didn’t understand his middle child, the reserved boy who would
rather work with his hands than go to law school. His father also had issues
with Jackson’s sexual orientation, basically ceasing all contact with him after
he came out in college.
Now that
their dad is gone, Jackson’s older brother has taken on all of the man’s less
attractive qualities. An attorney running for congress, Travis Henry couldn’t
be less interested in his younger brother, or frankly in his mother’s illness. He
has a charming wife, Juanita, who to her husband’s consternation is very fond
of his brother. Their sister, Michelle, the baby of the family married a
partner in their dad’s law firm and is now something of an affluent soccer mom.
She doesn’t work but spends her time shopping and keeping track of her two
elementary school aged children. Both Travis and Michelle are too busy to help with Shirley, but Jackson
is neither concerned nor surprised. He was always closer to his mom than the
other two were, anyway.
Families can
be complicated, and David and Jackson’s are no different. I thought I’d share a short excerpt of a
scene between David, his sister and his mom, and you can see the Snyder family
To set this
up, the power is out in David’s house and in the fall, mornings in eastern
Washington can be damned cold. ‘Frost on the pumpkins’ is a real thing!
When his phone alarm went off, David
blinked awake, rolled to his back, and stared up at the ceiling. Cold air
brushed his face, but the pale early morning sun painted the room in soft,
mellow light. He enjoyed the beautiful wood trim and the soft butter color on
the walls, thinking it was the only room in the house that didn’t need to be
painted. His alarm beeped again, and David sighed and swiped his finger over
the screen, shutting it off.
He’d returned from his mom’s with a
flash light, a bag full of candles and matches, and a zip lock baggie full of
homemade chocolate chip cookies. She’d tried to get him to stay in his old
bedroom, but he insisted he’d be fine. Now he pushed up and crawled out of the
sleeping bag he’d owned since his Cub Scout days, and gooseflesh broke out
above the neck of his sweat shirt. He shivered, wrapping his arms around
himself, and started for the bathroom. It was damned cold in the house and he
didn’t look forward to climbing into a freezing shower. He longed for a cup of
hot coffee and chided himself for not accepting his mom’s invitation.
“You’re an ass,” he muttered. And
stubborn. He’d wanted to stay in his house, dammit, even if it meant his dick
shriveled up to the size of a Vienna sausage when he stepped under the arctic
blast in his shower.
Thirty minutes later he was still
shivering, even fully dressed. Making his way quickly through the house, he
paused at the built-ins in the dining room to pick up his keys, and his eyes
fell on a lone business card, the ecru cardstock pale against the dark wood.
His mother handed it to him when he was sitting at her table the night before.
He’d put away more of his sister’s roast than he cared to admit and was
enjoying a slice of his mom’s chocolate cake.
“What’s this?” He wiped his mouth and
read the neat, even print on the card. “Jackson Henry, Handyman.” Handyman? His
lips twisted. “What does that even mean?”
“A man who’s handy,” Beth quipped.
“Which much as I love you, dear brother of mine, you are not.” He shot her a
dark look. “Okay, big guy, how do you plan to fix your little power problem?
Hire an electrician? That’ll only cost you a hundred dollars an hour. Why don’t
you give this guy a call?”
“Shut up,” he muttered, but she had
him. He could decorate a home beautifully, but fix wiring? Not so much.
“Besides,” she went on, a sly smile
on her face. “You won’t be sorry.”
“Elizabeth.” There was no way to miss
the quelling look their mother shot his sister. Beth snapped her mouth closed
and pinched her lips together, looking the other way.
“That was subtle,” he drawled. “What?
Does he have two heads or something?”
“Well….” Beth drawled, her lips
“Elizabeth Anne!” their mother
scolded, but a laugh lingered in her eyes. “Behave yourself!”
“All right, you two are being weird.”
David pushed his chair back. “And when that starts, I know it’s time for my
“If you won’t stay the night, at
least come back for breakfast,” his mother said as he stood. “You won’t even be
able to make coffee over there.”
She was right. His elite edition
Keurig machine was sitting on the counter in the condo across town. With
Trevor. “I’ll run by Starbucks, Mom.” He bent and kissed her cheek. The
softness of her skin and her floral perfume filled his senses, swamping him with
nostalgia; she’d worn the same fragrance for all of his life. Youth-Dew, by
Estee Lauder. His dad bought it for her every Christmas. Feeling a pang of
loss, he realized he’d be the one making a trip to Macy’s this year. “I’ll be
He started to throw the business card
back on the cabinet. His mother and sister acted far too weird and that was
never a good thing. But at the last moment, he’d thought better of it and
slipped the card into his slacks pocket as he headed out the door.
So, can you
tell me something about your family? I’ll start; My Dad played professional
baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers. I have his warm up jacket, and the logo
hasn’t changed in seventy years.
Cheers! Diana
You can
purchase David, Renewed at
Dreamspinner press.
It’s also
available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and All Romance Ebooks!
You can
reach me at:
My email:
My Facebook,
My Website,
My twitter,
My blog,
Pinterest, including my inspiration page for David, Renewed,
Copland began writing in the seventh grade, when she shamelessly combined
elements of Jane Eyre and Dark Shadows to produce an overwrought Gothic tale
that earned her an A- in creative writing, thanks entirely to the generosity of
an indulgent teacher. She wrote for pure enjoyment for the next three decades
before discovering LiveJournal and a wonderful group of supportive fanfiction
writers who encouraged her to try her hand at original gay fiction. Born and
raised in southern California, Diana moved to the Pacific Northwest after
losing a beloved spouse to AIDS in 1995. She lives in eastern Washington with
four horribly spoiled cats, near her two wonderful adult children who swear she
doesn't embarrass them. She thinks they're so cute.
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great blog post today
ReplyDeletejmarinich33 at aol dot com
That sounds great
blurb sounds great
ReplyDeleteon my wish list
I really like how this book sounds. Yes, families can be complicated, no need to tell me... LOL! thank you for sharing a bit of your story with us, Diana
Got to love a handyman. I wish mine looked like this one.
Great post and a new to me author! Congratulations on the release!
Thanks for the post and review. I love when there are great supporting characters in addition to the MCs, so sounds like a winner.
Sounds like a interesting read. Thank you for the post!
ReplyDeletehumhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
Another book that I have in my shelf, I have 2 books to finish before I can start this one but I've read the author before and I like her.