Happy Holidays and welcome to the TTC Books and more 12 Days of Giveaways Event!
I've teamed up with 12 amazing Authors to put together 12 days of fun that will include promos, spotlights, reviews, special Christmas guest posts and... giveaways! Each day starting today and going through December 23rd will spotlight a different Author, and each Author is offering up a giveaway on their day. You could win e-books, giftcards, swag and more. For day 2 of the event I'll be sharing Teodora Kostova's Christmas novella from her West End series, Dreaming of Snow.
It’s been a year since Adam and Penn moved in together, and they’ve settled down into their comfortable new life together.

Only...not everything is as perfect as it seems.
Penn is a bit bored after quitting his job at Queen Victoria, and Adam can’t seem to find inspiration for his latest film script.
Jared and Fenix are about to spend their second Christmas in their new home in the picturesque city of Malmö, Sweden. With a beautiful new house and a successful dance studio to run, Jared and Fenix are happy and content.
Only...not everything is as perfect as it seems.
When Jared invites Adam and Penn to spend the holidays with them in Malmö, Adam reluctantly agrees. But the two weeks filled with Christmas shopping, delicious food, fragrant wine, playing in the snow and, most importantly, spending quality time with their closest friends, proves to be exactly what everyone needs.
Adam and Penn have moved in together and settled into a routine, but Penn is missing working, and Adam is lacking any creativity while trying to work on his next script. When his best friend Jared invites Adam and Penn to come spend Christmas with him and his husband, Fenix, in Sweden, Adam is hesitant but agrees. Penn is over the moon excited to be getting away from everything for a few weeks with his love and determined to make sure Adam relaxes and enjoys himself.
From the start when they arrive, Adam can sense something is off with Jared and Fenix. Not so far off to be a problem, or ruin their Christmas together, but off. Separately and together, the two couples set about getting ready for Christmas with visits to local shops, buying presents and making ornaments for each other. They take turns cooking, share meals and watch movies together as they prepare for a memorable Christmas. But both Jared and Adam have surprises for their loves, surprises that will either make or break this special Holiday, depending on how their perspective partners react.
Thank you Teodora for opening up the world of West End and letting us visit with Adam, Penn, Jared and Fenix this Christmas. I thoroughly loved catching up and seeing what these guys have been up to since the wedding and the cohabitation of the last couple books. There are several special surprises in this novella, events that will shape and mold stories in this series to come. As usual excellent character development and well thought out situations come full circle and left me anxious for the next book, so please, write faster!
The perfect little love story for the Holiday Season, a must read for anyone that likes strong characters and perfect partnerships in their couplings.
Special Christmas Guest post with Author Teodora Kostova...
I love Christmas. But at the same time I
kinda dread that time of the year. Eleven months of the year I’m a grumpy
recluse who rolls her eyes at any sort of real life romance, but come December
and I become a glass case full of emotions. A manga character with misty eyes,
pink cheeks and hearts floating around her head. And I cry about everything.
It’s disgusting.
The thing is, Christmas is a very
melancholic time for me. I don’t even know why. At least if there was some
childhood trauma or something I’d be able to explain my ridiculous behaviour.
Now? Now I just know I’ll cry at Elf for no particular reason, so I roll with
It’s also a time for reflection, and I get
really anxious when I have to spend that much time in my own head. I’m
extremely critical towards myself and anything I do, so going back and
overanalysing recent events can be a bit disheartening.
And yet, I love that time of the year. I
love the smells and the lights and the food; the cold sunny days and the
freezing nights; the time spent catching up with family and friends; even the moments
I drift away in my own head. I feel like every year I come out on the other
side of Christmas a better person, or, at the very least, I know myself a
little better, and I’m ready for the next adventure. Bring it on, 2017!
Happy holidays to everyone! However you’re
celebrating I hope you have an awesome time!

When I'm procrastinating, I like to go to the gym, cook Italian meals (and eat them), read, listen to rock music, watch indie movies and True Blood re-runs. Or, in the worst case scenario, get beaten at every Nintendo Wii game by a very inventive kid. Don't be shy and get in touch - I love connecting with my readers.
Great post Teodora! Now for the goodies.
Each author is giving a little something away each day. Entry is easy, just complete the rafflecopter below and at midnight each day a winner will be pulled for that days giveaway. See the complete list below for what's up for grabs and have a very Merry Christmas everyone!!
December 12th - Andrew Grey
(Winner's choice e-book from Grey's backlist)
December 13th - Teodora Kostova
(Surprise Swag)
December 14th - Jeff Adams
(1 winner e-book and audiobook of Rivals)
December 15th - Susan Mac Nicol
(Winner's choice e-book from Mac Nicol's backlist)
December 16th - BG Thomas
(e-book copy of Grumble Monkey and the Dept. Store Elf)
December 17th - Cate Ashwood
(Surprise Swag)
December 18th - Joe Cosentino
December 19th - Dirk Greyson
(Winner's choice e-book from Greyson's backlist)
December 20th - LC Chase
(1 winner e-book copy of An Unfortunate Blizzard -
1 winner audiobook copy of An Unfortunate Blizzard)
December 21st - Charlie Cochet
($10 Amazon giftcard)
December 22nd - LE Franks
(E-book or Audiobook copy of Snow Globe, Winner's choice)
December 23rd - AE Via
(E-book copy of Nothing Special "V")
Sometimes a small step back brings everything else back.
ReplyDeletedebby236 at gmail dot com
Thank you for the review. I haven't read this one yet.
ReplyDeletehumhumbum AT yahoo DOT com